Chap 5 : SOGA 1957 Flashcards
what the definition of goods according to SOGA act 1957?
“goods” refer to – ‘every kind of moveable property other than actionable claim and money; and includes stock and shares, growing crops, grass and things attached to or forming part of the land which are agreed to be served before sale or under the contract of sale’
what doesn’t include in goods according to SOGA 1957?
- land/ things attached to land such as building
- action or rightd (patentsexp ))
- services
what are 5 types of goods?
- existing
- future goods
- ascertain goods
- unascertain goods
- spesific goods
whats the definition of contract of sale?
where the seller transfer or agress to transfer property in goods to the buyer with price
when does contract of sale happened?
when there is goods, price and transfor of property
whats 4 formation of contract ?
- formation
- formalities
- capacity
- price
whats agreement to sell based on SOGA act 1957?
contract which the transfer of property take place at future time or subject to some condition to be fulfilled
when does agreement to sell becomes sale based on sec4 (4) soga 1957?
agreement to sell become sale when time elapses or condition are fulfilled wo hich transfer of property in goods transferred
whats 2 terms of contract?
- condition
- warranty
whats condition based on soga 1957?
a stipulation essential to the main purpose of contrcat
what is the right for innocent party if there’s breach of condition?
they have right to repudiate the contract and claim for damages
whats warranties according to soga 1957?
stipukation collateral to the main purpose of the contract
whats the right for innocent party if there’s breach warranties?
can claim damages only and treat contract to end
whats 5 implied condition?
- title
- sale by description
- sale goods by sample
- fitness for purpose
- merchantabke quality
what is implied condition as to title?
seller must have right to sell goods. breach condition, boleh claim damage and repudiate contract
case : rowland v divall ; beli kereta yg dah guna berapa bulan then realize yang jual takde right utk jual kereta tu jadi si pembeli kena pulang balik kereta dekat owner bukan yang jual tu. jadi pembeli boleh claim duit dia balik