chap 5: elements of financial statements Flashcards
it portray the financial effects of transactions and other events by grouping them into broad classes according to their economic characteristics.
financial statements
refer to the quantitative information reported in the statement of financiL position and income statement.
elements of financial statements
are the building blocks from which financial statements are constructed.
elements of financial statements
the cf identify no elementd that are unique to the _ because such statement comprises itemsn that appear in the statement of financial position and the incomd statement.
statement of changes in equity
is the residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all of the liabilities.
is a right that has the potential to produce economic benefits.
economic resources
is an economic resource and that the potential economic benefits no longer need to be expected to flow the entity.
true or false: an entity controls an asset if it has the present ability to direct the use of the asset and obtain the economic benefitd that flow from it.
it includes the ability to prevent others from using such asset and therefore preventing otherd from obtaining the economic benefits from the asset.
it may arise of an entity enforced legal rights.
true or false: if there are no legal rights, control can still exist if an entity has other means of ensuring that no other party van benefit from an asset.
is the obligation to transfer an economic resource and nog rhe ultimate outflow if economic benefits.
true or false: the outflow of economic benefits no longer needs to be expected.
true or false: the new definition of liability to some extent is inconsistent with the definition of liability under ias 37. the iasb stated that the requirements if a standard shall always prevail over rhe cf.
is a duty or responsibikity that an entity has no practical ability to avoid. it can be either legal or constructive.