chap 5,6,7 Flashcards
Learning disability definition
Processing disorders that can affect an individuals listening, thinking, reading, writing, spelling, mathematics
prevalence of LD
Growth in this category has decreased overall by more than 20% in recent years, and by 15% in older students, higher for boys than girls, New category, developmentally delayed, is being used for some, RTI procedures are having an impact
causes of LD
Poor instruction, Poor nutrition, Adverse climate at home, Toxins- ingested toxin, Lack of stimulation, English is not the primary language at home
IQ range for LD
Have average or above average IQ
assessing/ diagnosing students for LD
Formal assessments, Norm-reference IP tests, Achievement tests, Criterion-referenced test
Eligibility/identifying students for Special Education and LD
Classroom assessments, Curriculum-based measurements, Portfolio assessment,
Preferred method for teaching students with LD
Scripted curriculum, Present lessons in a well-organized, sequenced manner, Begin with short review of previously learned skills, Begin lessons with a short statement of goals, what is to be learned
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
types of AD/HD
predominantly hyperactive- impulsive, predominantly inattentive, combined
prevalence of AD/HD
3-5% of the population; 3-7% of children, 2-3 times as many boys identified as girls, No difference in frequency among races
causes of AD/HD
Not caused by parenting, diet (red dye number 40), or television, Physiological causes, Heredity, Brain differences
environmental causes, Lead poisoning, Maternal prenatal smoking and alcohol consumption
cognitive characteristics of ADHD
Working memory is not efficient, Self-directed speech not utilized effectively, Difficulty controlling emotions or motivation, Problems with reconstitution (planning), Range of intellectual abilities
academic characteristics of ADHD
Some students are very successful academically, Other students consistently achieve below their potential, Academic self concept is important
Social-emotional characteristics of ADHD
Self esteem is a problem for some, but not all, students with ADHD, Students often have problems coping with social functioning, Developing and maintaining friendships, Rejection by peers
behavior characteristics of ADHD
Failure to attend to details, Make careless mistakes in work, Failure to complete assignments, Failure to listen when spoken to directly, Difficulty organizing tasks and materials- executive function part of brain, Avoidance of tasks that require sustained mental effort
IQ range for ADHD
range of intellectual abilities
Eligibility for Special Education and ADHD
If ADHD “adversely affects” the student’s educational performance, even with medication, may be eligible under IDEA as Other Health Impaired, Students who are not eligible for IDEA may qualify for accommodations under Section 504, Students may be eligible because they also have a learning or emotional disability
Assessing/Diagnosing Students for ADHD
Diagnosis at an early age is difficult, Formal assessments not designed for very young, Development varies considerably, If children’s symptoms of ADHD are severe, early intervention is crucial
Preferred methods for teaching students with ADHD
Organized, uncluttered classroom, Keep decorations out of direct line of sight, Post clear classrooms rules, and a fair consequence, Mix difficult and tedious work with more stimulating
EBD definition
One or more of the following over a long period of time, to a marked degree, adversely affecting educational performance–
Inability to learn that cant be otherwise explained, Inability to build or maintain relationships, Inappropriate types of behavior or expression of feelings, Pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression, Physical symptoms or fears associated with personal/school problems
prevalence of EBD
6.7% of all students in special education, African american students (boys) more than twice as students overall, Estimated that 1 in 5 adolescents has a mental health disorder, Half of all adult mental illness before 14, Found in boys 3-4 times more than girls, girls are likely under identified
Functional behavior assessment
tells you why a child behaves inappropriately
Behavior intervention plan
with IEP and is strategies to improve behavior
externalizing behavior
Aggression, acting out and Readily identified
internalizing behaviors
withdrawal and easy to overlook
cognitive characteristics of LD
Attention, Perception, Memory, Info processing/thinking
behavioral characteristics for LD
behavioral problems (Out of seat behavior, Talk outs, physical/verbal aggression), possible causes are Communication difficulties, Frustration with academics, Attention difficulties or hyperactivity
does not change the instruction
actually change the curriculum
definition of ADHD
Psychiatric disorder, Occurs before age 12, Negatively affects social, emotional, and academic functioning, For some, inattention is the primary problem, Not a category in IDEA
Examples of emotional and behavioral disorder
anxiety disorders, disruptive behaviors, eating disorders, mood disorders, and tic disorders
causes of EBD
Biological, Heredity, Nutrition, Brain injury, Chronic stress at home, Stressful life events, Childhood maltreat- physical, emotional, Other family factors