Chap 3: Deciding Behavior Change Goals Flashcards
Explain what is meant by a behavior- or action-focused approach to nutrition education
-Expected outcomes are changes in behavior
-Behavior-focused approach: informa&on and skills should
be relevant to the behaviors being targeted
-Behaviors are iden&fied from the audience, na&onal nutri&on/health goals, and nutri&on-related research
The many influences on behavior are called determinants of behavior and change
ì Belief that “knowledge and skills” are the primary determinants of behavior change
“Knowledge-based programs”
How can you make nutrition education effective?
Nutri&on educa&on is more likely to be effec&ve when:
- A focus on behaviors/ac&ons/prac&ces
- Addresses determinants of behavior change
- Uses theory and evidence
- Includes mul&ple levels of influence
- Uses appropriate behavioral change strategies
What is theory?
Theory: a clearly stated set of rela&onships among core
constructs that explains or predicts behavior change
Why is theory important when designing nutrition education?
Social psychological theories:
ì Concerned with how thoughts, feelings, and values affect
dietary behaviors
ì Emphasis on mo&va&on, which is based on expecta&ons, values, and behavioral skills
Theories are the frameworks that organize determinants of any given behavior to make them useful
ì Based on evidence from research studies and describe the measurable rela&onships among determinants
ì Research generates theory; at the same &me, theory is guided by, and tested through research and practice
Why do we use different types of theories?
Social psychological theories:
-Concerned with how thoughts, feelings, and values affect
dietary behaviors
-Emphasis on mo&va&on, which is based on expecta&ons, values, and behavioral skills
Expectancy-value theories of mo&va&on
Explain the components of a theory (constructs, variables, and moderators)
Related terms:
CONSTRUCTS– determinants or mediators of change that are
systema&cally used in a theory
VARIABLES – opera&onal defini&on of constructs usually having some numeric value
MODERATORS – factors that modify the influence of a determinant/mediator on the behavior
Describe the key features of the Knowledge-Attitude-Behavior Model.
intervention -> knowledge -> behavior
moderators (SES, etc.)
Compare how-to knowledge with why-to knowledge.
- enhance awareness/motivation = focus on why-to
- facilitate ability to take action
focus on how-to
Explain the importance of motivation
heories emphasizing mo/va/on can contribute to nutri/on educa/on success
- Helps us understand our audiences from their own point of view
- Gets our audiences excited about our message
- Useful in helping people move from non-ac/on to inten/on to take ac/on
Describe the following factors from the Social Psychological Theory: outcome expectation, self-efficacy, behavioral intention, behavioral capabilities, and self-regulatory skills
Beliefs about outcomes expecta5ons (mo&va&onal)
- Health outcomes
- Social outcomes
- Self-evalua&ve outcome
SELF EFFICACY: one’s confidence
What is the social-ecological approach
Social-ecological approach: addressing several levels of influence
-A suppor&ve social and physical environment is required for inten&ons to be translated into ac&on
-Individual / intrapersonal
-Social structure, policy, and systems
Describe the framework for theory-based nutrition education.
Nutri&on educa&on can be separated into:
1. Mo5va5onal component: thinking phase where beliefs and
aUtudes are the most important
2. Ac5on component: individuals ini&ate and maintain ac&on
3. Environmental support: important throughout
What are the two main stages of nutrition education?
What are the goals of nutrition education during the motivational phase and action phase?