Chap 3 and 4 Flashcards
According to him, the transition from underdevelopment to development can be described in terms of a series of steps or stages through which all countries must proceed
Rostow’s Stages of Growth
Who created Rostow’s Stages of Growth
American Economic Historian Walt T. Rostow
a functional economic relationship in which the growth rate of GDP depends directly with the national net savings rate and inversely on the national capital output rate
Harrod-Domar Growth Model
A theory of development in which surplus labor from the traditional sector is transferred to the modern agricultural sector, the growth of which absorbs the surplus labor, promotes industrialization, and stimulates sustained development
Lewis two-sector model
Is an exogenous model of economic growth that analyzes changes in the level of output in an economy over time as a result of changes in the population growth rate, the savings rate, and the rate of technological changes
Solow Growth Model
an economic system in which economic decisions and the pricing of goods and services are guided by the interactions of a country’s individual citizen and businesses
Market Economy
the unobservable market force that helps the demand and supply of goods in a free market to reach equilibrium automatically
Invisible Hand
Invisible hand is also known as
Laissez-faire or let go