chap 3-4 Flashcards
what do socrates and plato believe about the soul
they believe the soul is immortal
plato thought the soul consisted of what 3 things?
reason , physical appetite, & spirit
what does descartes believe of the self
he believes in rationalism
how did descartes think we actually found truth
consider false any belief that falls prey to even the slightest doubt
what is materialism
the doctrine that nothing exists except matter and its movements and modifications
what is empiricism
only things that exist are things validated through our senses
what is phenomenology
breaks down traditional theories of the mind
conviction that all knowledge of our selves & our world is based on the phenomena of experience
rejects the dualistic ideas of plato and descartes
what is indeterminism
what is libertarianism
people are free
authentically free choices
what are external constraints
factors outside the person that diminish the persons ability to make choices
what did locke believe about the self
mind was a tabula rasa (blank slate )
what was kants belief of the self
we construct the self
we don’t know stuff we believe stuff
churchlands ideaa
the vocabulary of mental states hasn’t caught up to what we need
buddhist idea of “anatta”
you have to deny the self to get to a stage of enlightenment
william james and idea of determinism
we live in a world of possibilities where the rational answer affects our future
he does not believe it
sartre and the idea that we are condemned to be free
we are upset that we have the possibility to shape ourselves and no one to guide us
jean grimshaws feminist ideas of freedom
women don’t have a true self
you can liberate yourself by being aware
kants idea that the self transcends the sense ace unified of existence
a priory
something can be known before investigation
the word is constructed by the mind
what are internal constraints
limitations to our autonomy that we impose on ourselves
causal determinism but we still act as free