CHAP 22. MEDICAL TERM Flashcards
The partial or complete loss of speech and skills caused by brain injury.
Inability to move the muscles used to speak; usually caused by a brain injury.
Difficulty in speaking caused by weakness or paralysis in the muscles used for speech.
Gradual inability to focus on close objects.
Natural lens becomes less flexible.
Normal decline in vision at 40+.
Needs reading glasses
Diabetic Retinopathy
Usually caused by diabetes type 1.
Damage to blood vessels - blood leaks from blood vessels.
New blood vessels grow over retina -> creates scar tissue.
Routine eye exams.
Manage diabetes / Timely treatment.
Inflammation of the clear membrane that covers the white part of eye and lines the eyelids.
“Pink eye” - redness in the white part of the eye, increases tear production, eye discharge.
Caused by virus, bacteria, allergies.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD / ARMD)
Macula (central part of the retina) breaks down, responsible for sharp and central vision.
Most common cause of blindness in people over 35.
Gradual / sudden onset; progressive. No cure.
May retain some peripheral vision.
Lens becomes cloudy
S/S : blurring, dimming of vision, diffuclty seeing at night, sensitivity to light.
TX: surgery
Causes increased pressure in eye -> optic nerve damage.
S/S: tunnel vision, blurred vision, halos around lights.
TX: meds, sugery (aims to prevent further damage).
Ear wax
Temporary hearing impairment
Hearing loss due to build up of cerumen.
Temporary until wax is removed.
Affects both hearing and balance.
Gradual loss of hearing associated w/ aging.
Changes to inner ear and auditory nerve, no cure.
Hearing aids can help.
Regular checkups are essential for early detection.
Meniere’s disease
Increase of fluid in the inner ear.
- causes pressure in middle ear
- results in vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss.
- dizziness can result in a fall.
- chronic illness - symptoms vary.
Tinnitus (occurs in otosclerosis)
Ringing in the ear
Caused by abdominal stimulation of ear structues.
Condition where there is an abnormal formation of new bone in the ear.
Results in progressive loss of hearing.
TX: surgery can help.
When forces moving in opposite directions are applied to tissues in the body.
Pressure sores
Pressure ulcers.
Any injury caused by unrelieved pressure that usually occurs over a body prominence.
Which is an area when the bone seems to “stick out” and is compressed under the client/between the client’s folds.
Decubitus ulcer
Pressure injury.
Localized skin / soft tissue injury that form as a result of prolonged pressure and shear.
Exerted over bony prominences.
4 major types of wound drainage
Major complications of wounds?
Overgrowth of scar tissues - keloid.
Gangrene- tissue death (require amputation.
Bleeding, sepsis, tetanus, etc.
3 Ear components
External ear- outer ear, external auditory canal and ear drum. Hair and oil glands as protection.
Middle ear- air filled cavity. Small bones - malleus, incus and stapes.
Internal ear - (labyrinth) semicircular canals and cochlea - contains receptors for hearing
External ear
Outer ear.
Glands located here secrete Cerumen (ear wax).