Chap 21 and 19 Flashcards
laws that block imports sold below the cost of production and impose tariffs that would increase the price of these imports to reflect their cost of production
anti-dumping laws
economic agreement between countries to allow free trade in goods, services, labor, and financial capital between members while having a common external trade policy
common market
innovative new product or production technology which disrupts the status quo in a market, leading the innovators to earn more income and profits and the other firms to lose income and profits, unless they can come up with their own innovations
disruptive market change
selling internationally traded goods below their cost of production
economic agreement between countries to allow free trade between members, a common external trade policy, and coordinated monetary and fiscal policy
economic union
economic agreement between countries to allow free trade between members
free trade agreement
forum in which nations could come together to negotiate reductions in tariffs and other barriers to trade; the precursor to the World Trade Organization
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
numerical limits on the quantity of products that can be imported
import quotas
the argument that there are compelling national interests against depending on key imports from other nations
national interest argument
ways a nation can draw up rules, regulations, inspections, and paperwork to make it more costly or difficult to import products
nontariffs barriers
government policies to reduce or block imports
when production locates in countries with the lowest environmental (or other) standards, putting pressure on all countries to reduce their environmental standards
race to the bottom
organization that seeks to negotiate reductions in barriers to trade and to adjudicate complaints about violations of international trade policy; successor to GATT
World Trade Organization (WTO)
economy of a country that has demonstrated the ability to catch up to the technology leaders by investing in both physical and human capital
converging economy
the economies of Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Korea, which maintained high growth rates and rapid export-led industrialization between the early 1960s and 1990 allowing them to converge with the technological leaders in high income countries
East Asian Tigers
a series of studies that show, statistically, that 70% of the differences in income per person across the world is explained by differences in physical capital (savings/investment)
growth consensus
nation with a per capita income of $12,475 or more; typically has high levels of human and physical capitals
high-income countries
a nation that has a per capita income of less than $1,025; a third of the world’s populations
low-income country
a nation with per capita income between $1,025 and $12,475 and that has shown some ability, even if not always sustained, to catch up to the technology leaders in high income countries
middle-income country