Chap 18 Flashcards
What is a mixed sale?
A sale that involves the provision of a service and a good in the same transaction.
What are goods?
Tangible things that are movable at the time of their identification to a contract.
What is a sale?
The passing of title of goods from a seller to a buyer for a price.
What is Article 2 (sales)?
An article of the UCC that governs sale of goods.
What is the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)?
A model act that includes comprehensive laws that cover most aspects of commercial transactions. All the states have enacted all or part of the UCC as statutes.
What is a merchant?
A person who deals in the goods of the kind involved in a transaction or by his or her occupation holds himself or herself out as having knowledge or skill peculiar to the goods involved in the transaction.
What is article 2A (leases)?
An article of the UCC that governs leases of goods.
What is a lease?
A transfer of the right to the possession and use of named goods for a set term in return for certain consideration.
Who is a lessor?
A person who transfers the right of possession and use of goods under a lease.
What is a finance lease?
A three-party transaction consisting of a lessor, a lessee, and a supplier.
What is the Revised Article 2 (Sales)?
A revision of UCC article 2 (sales) that includes provisions that recognize changes in the commercial environment and the importance of electronic sales contracts.
What are the revised article 2A (Leases)?
A revision of UCC Article 2A (leases) that includes provisions that recognize changes in the commercial environment and the importance of electronic lease contracts.
What is the gap-filling rule?
A rule that says an open term can be “read into” a contract.
What is a firm offer rule?
A UCC rule that says that a merchant who makes an offer to buy, sell, or lease goods and assures the other party in a separate writing that the offer will be held open cannot revoke the offer for the time stated or, if no time is stated, for a reasonable time.
What are additional terms?
In certain circumstances, the UCC permits an acceptance of a sales contract to contain additional terms and still to act as an acceptance rather than a counteroffer.
What is an accommodation?
A shipment that is offered to a buyer as a replacement for the original shipment when the original shipment cannot be filled.
What is the battle of the forms?
A UCC rule that states that if both parties are merchants, then additional terms contained in the acceptance become part of the sales contract unless the offer expressly limits the acceptance tot he terms of the offer, the additional terms materially alter the original contract, or the offeror notifies the offeree that he or she objects to the additional terms within a reasonable time after receiving the offeree”s modified acceptance. There is no contract if the additional terms so materially alter the terms of the original offer that the parties cannot agree on the contract.
What is the statute of frauds?
A rule in the UCC that requires all contracts fro the sale of goods costing $500 or more and lease contracts involving payments of $1000 or more to be in writing.
What is a written confirmation rule?
An oral agreement with a written sale within reasonable time and the other merchant does not give written notice of an objection to the contract within ten days after receiving the confirmation.
What is parole evidence rule?
A rule that says that if a written contract is a complete and final statement of the parties agreement, any prior or contemporaneous oral or written statements that alter, contradict, or are in addition to the terms of the written contract are inadmissible in court regarding a dispute over the contract.
What is an electronic agent?
A computer program or an electronic or other automated means used independently to initiate an action or respond to electronic records or performances in whole or in part, without review or action by an individual.
What is an electronic record?
A record that is created, generated, sent, communicated, received, or stored by electronic means.
What is a letter of credit?
A document that is issued by a bank on behalf of a buyer who purchases goods on credit from a seller that guarantees that if the buyer does not pay for the goods, then the bank will pay the seller.
What is Article 5 (Letters of Credit)?
An article of the UCC that governs letters of credit.