CHAP 15 SLIDES Flashcards
Life span
the MAX number of years an individual can live.
* Approximately 120–125 years.
Life expectancy:
the number of years the average person born in a particular year will probably live.
Improved with advances in medicine, nutrition, exercise, and
lifestyle, along with a substantial reduction in infant deaths.
In 2020, extensive increase in deaths due to COVID-19
dropped the average life expectancy
from 78.8 years in 2019 to
76.1 in 2021.
Differences in life expectancy:
lowest estimated in Afghanistan (52.1 years)
Highest is Monaco (89.5)
In the US, what contributes to slower increase in life expectancy
child and maternal mortality rates
homicide rate
body mass indexes
Life expectancy also varies between ethnic groups and gender
women it was 79.1 in 2021 while 73.2 for men
Latino Health Paradox
Latinos live 1.2 years longer than Whites despite lower educational attainment and income level
Reasons can be extended family connections and lower rates of smoking
People living to 100 years and older
Chronic high mortality diseases are delayed for many years
People who live to 110-119
Evolutionary theory of aging:
natural selection has not eliminated many harmful conditions and nonadaptive characteristics in older adults.
Benefits of aging declines with age
Criticism of evolutionary theory:
Doesn’t account for culture
Hard to study
Cellular clock theory
Hayflick’s theory that the max number of times that human ceLls can divide is about 75-80
DNA sequence that cap chromosomes becomes shorter each time a cell divides
lifestyle can delay the telomere shortening
Free-radical theory
people age because normal metabolic processes within cells produce unstable oxygen molecules that damage DNA and cellular structures
Mitochondrial theory
aging is caused by mitochondrial decay
a family of proteins that have been linked
- longeviity
- DNa repair
- aging
mTOR pathway
a cellular pathway that involves the regulation of growth and metabolism