Chap 15 Flashcards
Concentric bits
Balanced bits that do not wobble or vibrate
The industry standard shank size for electric files is 3/32”(2.38mm)
Crafts are usually 1/8(3.2mm)
Diamond bits
Made from either naturals or synthetic diamond particles attached to the surfaces of metal bits
Can be used in back and forth motion in forward or reverse
Carbide bits
Made of carbide metal with flute-like cuts that shave the enhancement product instead of scratching it the way file, sanding bands, and diamond bits do.
Flutes are long slender cuts or grooves found on a carbide bit
Carbide bits four types
Traditional, one-way, cross-cut, and pointed flutes that cut in both directions
Small and large barrel bits
Used to shorten the length and shape the surface of the nail
Should not be used near cuticle area
Flat top of bit can be used to make new smile line
Rings of fire
Grooves carved into the nail by filing with bits at the incorrect angle
Tapered barrel bits
Coned shapes bit designed with a flat top and can be used to shape the top surface of the nail and to cut maintenance on small nails at a flat angle and at the cuticle and sidewalls
Cuticle safety bits
Designed for safe cuticle work. Can be used for underneath the nail and for shaping
Shorter tapered shape and round top of this bit allow tech to get into cuticle area and sidewalks to bevel nail enhancement flush with natural nail
Come-shaped bits
Slim long tapered and pointed bit can be used at the cuticle, underneath the nail on top of the nail and to prep the cuticle area for fill. Come in various sizes
Football shaped bits
Can be used for underneath the nails and the cuticle area.
Has a point on top that can damage the hyponychium so use with care.
Perfect for finishing the underside surface of long curved nails
UNC bits
The under-the-nail cleaner bit is a small pointed bit that can be used for tight spaces such as under the nail sidewalls and for making designer holes in nails
Bullet bits
A small slender bit that is available in a flat topped or round tipped version and is similar to the UNC.
Many nail techs use this bit in a fine diamond style to prep the natural nail at the cuticle area for nail enhancement work
Needle bits
Pointed bit usually as slim as the actual shank of a bit. Can be used at the cuticle; underneath the nails; in small tight spaces; and for specialty design work.
Maintenance bits
Commonly referred to as backfill bits. Originally designed to trench (carve) out the growth at the smile line and to replace white tip powder.
Comes in two sizes small(1/4 size of barrel bit) medium (1/2 the size of a barrel bit).
Available in inverted shapes for more ergonomic and precise cutting.