Chap 10 Flashcards
Apocrine glands
Coiled structures attached to hair follicles found in the under arm and general areas that secrete sweat.
Arrector pili muscle
Small, involuntary muscles in the base of the hair follicle that cause goose flesh when the appendage contracts, sometimes called goosebumps and papillae.
Barrier function
Protective barrier of the epidermis; the corneum and intercellular matrix protects the surface from irritation the dehydration.
Glycolipid materials that are a natural part of the skins intercellular matrix and barrier function.
Fibrous, connective tissue made from protein; found in the reticular layer of the dermis; gives skin its firmness. Topically, a large, long – chain molecular protein that lies on the top of the skin and binds water; derived from the placentas of cow or other sources.
Another name for a stratum corneum cell. Hardened, waterproof, protective keratinocytes; these dead protein cells are dried out and lack nuclei.
Dermal papillae
Membranes of ridges and grooves that attach to the epidermis; contains nerve endings and supplies nourishment through capillaries to skin and follicles.
Also known as the derma, corium, cutis or true skin; support layer of connective tissue, collagen, and elastin below the epidermis.
The structures that assist in holding cells together; intercellular connections made of proteins.
Eccrine glands
Sweat glands found all over the body with openings on the skin surface through pores; not attached to the hair follicles, secretions do not produce an offensive odor.
Protein fiber found in the dermis; gives skin its elasticity and firmness.
Epidermal growth factor
Abbreviated EGF; stimulates cells to reproduce and heal.
Outermost layer of the skin; a thin, protective layer with many cells, mechanisms, and nerve endings. It is made up of five layers stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum and stratum germinativum.
A type of melanin that is dark brown to black in color. People with dark colored skin mostly produce eumelanin. There are two types of melanin the other type is pheomelanin.
Cells that stimulates cells, collagen, and amino acids that form proteins.
Caused by an elevation in blood sugar, glycation is the binding of a protein molecule to a glucose molecule resulting in the formation of damage, nonfunctioning structures, known as advanced glycation end products. Glycation alters protein structures and decreases biological activity.
Hair Papillae
Cone – shaped elevations at the base of the follicle that fit into the hair bulb. The papillae are filled with tissue that contains the blood vessels and cells necessary for hair growth and follicle nourishment.
Hyaluronic acid
Hydrating fluids found in the skin; hydrophilic agent with water -binding properties.
Intercellular matrix
Lipid substances between corneum cells that protect the cells from water loss and irritation.
Fibrous proteins of cells that is also the principal component of skin, hair, and nails; provides resiliency and protection.
Epidermal cells composed of keratin, lipids, and other proteins.
Langerhans immune cells
Guard cells of the immune system that sense unrecognized foreign invaders, such as bacteria, and then process these antigens for removal through the lymph system.
White blood cells that have enzymes to protect and kill bacteria and parasites. These white blood cells also respond to allergies.
Lymph vessels
Located in the dermis, these supply nourishment within the skin and remove waste.
Tiny grains of pigment that are produced by melanocytes and deposited into cells in the stratum germinativum layer of the epidermis and in the papillary layer of the dermis. It is a protein that determines hair, eye, and skin color; a defense mechanism to protect skin from the sun.
Cells that produce skin pigment granules in the basal layer.
Pigment carrying granules that produce melanin, a complex protein.
Papillary layer
Top layer of the dermis next to the epidermis.
A type of melanin that is red and yellow in color. People with light colored skin mostly produce pheomelanin. There are two types of melanin; the other is eumelanin.
Tube – like opening for sweat glands on the epidermis.
Reticular layer
Deeper layer of the epidermis that supplies the skin with oxygen and nutrients; contains fat cells, blood vessels, sudoriferious glands, hair follicles, lymph vessels, arrector pili muscles, sebaceous glands, and nerve endings.
Chronic condition that appears primarily on the cheeks and nose and is characterized by flushing (redness), telangiectasis (distended or dilated surface blood vessels) and in some cases, the formation of papules and pustules.
Sebaceous glands
Also known as oil glands; protect the surface of the skin. Sebaceous glands are appendages connected to follicles.
Oil that provides protection for the epidermis from external factors and lubricates both the skin and hair.
Stratum corneum
Also known as horny layer; outermost layer of the epidermis, composed of corneocytes.
Stratum germinativum
Also known as basal layer; active layer of the epidermis above the papillary layer of the dermis; cell mitosis takes place here that produces new epidermal skin cells and is responsible for growth.
Stratum lucidum
Clear, transparent layer of the epidermis under the stratum corneum; thickest on the palms of hands and soles of feet.
Stratum spinosum
Also known as spiny layer; layer of the epidermis above the stratum germinativum layer containing desmosomes, the intercellular connections made of proteins.
Subcutaneous layer
Also known as hypodermis; subcutaneous adipose fat tissue located beneath the dermis; a protective cushion and energy storage for the body.
Subcutis tissue
Also known as adipose tissue; fatty tissue found below the dermis that give smoothness and contour to the body, contains fat used as energy, and also acts as a protective cushion for the outer skin.
Sudoriferious glands
Also known as sweat glands; excrete perspiration, regulate body temperature, and detoxify the body by excreting excess salt and unwanted chemicals.
Identify molecules that have foreign peptides and also help regulate immune response.
Capillaries and have been damaged and are now large, or distended, blood vessels; commonly called couperose skin.
Transepidermal water loss
Abbreviated TEWL; water loss caused by evaporation of the skin surface.
The enzyme that stimulates melanocytes and thus produces melanin.
UVA radiation
Also known as aging rays; longer wavelength ranging between 320 to 400 nanometers that penetrate deeper into the skin than UVB; cause genetic damage and cell death. UVA contributes up to 95 percent of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation.
UVB radiation
Also known as burning rays; UVB wavelength range between 292 320 nanometers. UVB rays have a shorter, burning wavelengths that are stronger and more damaging than UVA rays. UVB causes burning of the skin as well as tanning, skin aging, and cancer.