Chap. 1 and 2 Flashcards
Black Death
The disease that decimated Europe in 1347 and killed around a third of the population. Soon after, the population rebounded and kept growing, leading to Europeans, mainly the British, to look for new land.
Christopher Columbus
Italian explorer who believed that a direct sea route toward Asia. In order to go on this voyage, he looked toward Spain, namely Queen Isabella, for funding. He landed on the Caribbean coast at San Salvador but believed it to be East Asia. Believed himself to be divinely inspired, his mission being that of spreading the gospel to those in East Asia.
Considering the New World as a possible source of wealth, these military leaders sought to conquer the native empires in order to take silver and gold. In doing so, they unintentionally exposed natives to smallpox.
Licenses to exact labor and tribute from natives in specific areas.
Henry Hudson
Sailed up the river that was to be named for him in what is now New York. Because the river was so wide, he thought he had found the land passage through the continent and to the Pacific Ocean. He was one of the first Dutch in America.
Originally supposed to be a place where British explorers looked for riches like they had heard in Central and South America, but there ended up being none. The first enduring English settlement in the New World.
The assumption that the nation as a whole was the principal actor in the economy. As well as this, it assumed that the world had a limited amount of wealth, and nations could only gain wealth at the expense of others.
The people of what is now Mexico and much of Central America.
People of mixed race that were the result of Intermarriage between Spanish Whites and Native Indians.
Protestant Reformation
Reformation within the Church led by Martin Luther that openly challenged some beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church
The group that wanted to “purify” the church with their radical reforms. This group was also separatist, which went against English Law.
Island in North Carolina where Sir Walter Raleigh settled his colonists on. Here, the colonists antagonized neighboring Indians and did not learn much about survival. The first time around, colonists did not receive enough supplies from England and they eventually left Roanoke. The second time around, John White helped take the colonists to Roanoke, and soon left to find additional settlers and supplies. Due to hostilities with Spain, he was not able to return for 3 years. When he returned, everyone was gone.
Group of Christians that were determined to worship as they pleased, mainly in their own congregations. This defied English Law, which outlawed unauthorized religious meetings and required people to attend regular Anglican services.
Sir Walter Raleigh
Pioneer of English colonization that helped start the colony of Roanoke, which ended his involvement in colonization.
City where the Aztec, or Mexica, established their capital upon a lake near present day Mexico City. This city was by far the greatest city ever created in the Americas, and contained large amounts of silver and gold.