Chap 1 Flashcards
Process by which a dominant group and a subordinate group combine through intermarriage to form a new group
Afrocentric perspective
Emphasis on the customs of African cultures and how they have pervaded the history, culture, and behavior of black in the United States and around the world
Process by which a subordinate individual or group takes on the characteristics of the dominant group
Biological race
The mistaken notion of a genetically insulated human group
Blaming the victim
Portraying the problem of racial and ethnic minorities as their fault rather than recognizing society’s responsibilities
Max weber: people who share similar levels of wrath
A foreign powers maintenance of political, social, economic, and cultural dominance over people for an extended period
Conflict perspective
Sociological approach
Assumes that the social structure is best understood interns of conflict or tension between the groups
Element of society that may disrupt a social system or decrease it’s stability
Leaving a country to settle in another
Ethnic cleansing
Forced deportation of people with violence
Ethnic group
National / culture
A group set apart from others because it’s national original or culture
Functionalist perspective
A sociological approach emphasizing how parts of a society are structured to maintain it’s stability
Living organism
A minority and a majority group combining to form a new group
Deliberate, systematic killing if an entire people or nation
Worldwide integration of government policies, cultures, social movements, and financial market through trade, movements of people, and the exchange of ideas
Coming into a new country as a permanent resident
Intelligence quotient
The ratio of a persons age to his or her chronological age multiplied by 100
Labeling theory
Sociological approach by Becker. Attempts to explain why certain people are vowed as deviant and others engaging in the same behavior are not
Role that negative stereotypes play in race and ethnicity
The status of being between two cultures at the same time
Jewish immigrants
Melting pot
Diverse racial or ethnic group or both, forming a new creating a new culture
Minority group
Subordinate group whose members have significant less power or control over their lives than do the members of a dominant or majority group
The development of solidarity between ethnic groups
Asian American
Mutual respect between group
Racial formation
A sociohistorical process by which racial categories are created, inhabited, transformed and destroyed
Racial group
Physical differences
Doctrine one race is superior to the other one
The physical separation of racial and ethnic groups reappearing after a period of relevance integration
Physical separation of two groups often imposed on a subordinate group by the dominant group
Self fulfilling prophecy
The tendency to respond to and act on the basis of stereotype, a predisposition that can lead one to validate false defenition
The systematic study of social behavior and human group
Unrealizable, exaggerated generalizations about all meets of a group that do not take individual differences into account
A structured ranking of entire groups of people that perpetuates unequal rewards and power in a society
World system theory
View of the global economic system as divided between nations that control the wealth and nation that provides natural resources and labor