Chap 1 Flashcards
How many chemicals in a cigarette?
Over 4,000
What does the filter do?
Filters chemical substances from the cigarette into the body
What is Tar?
A black, sticky substance
What does Tar do?
Tar creates ammonia, which destroys the cilia. Cilia is what keeps you lungs clean.
What is Nicotine?
Nicotine is an addictive chemical in tabbaco
Effects of Nicotine?
Stimulates the nervous system, increases heart rate, raises blood pressure, and shrinks blood vessels
What are the consequences of Carbon Monoxide?
Reduces oxygen taken up by the RBC, (Red Blood Cells), which causes a heart problem.
What metals are in a cigarette?
Lead, nickel, and Arsenic which cause white ant poisoning.
What are radioactive compounds?
They cause cancer so they are carcinogenic (cancer causing)
What are pesticides?
Chemicals used to kill pests like benzene, methoprene, naphthalene.
Main Diseases due to Smoking?
Lung Disease (Emphysema), Throat cancer and Heart Cancer.
What is ‘peer pressure’?
Peer pressure can be defined as pressure by a peer group, to take a certain action, adopt certain values or otherwise conform in order to be accepted as a part of a group.
What is ‘negative peer pressure’?
To feel the need to be accepted,
What is ‘positive peer pressure’?
Positive Peer Pressure could take the form of pressure to follow the group rules, pressure not to take up unhealthy habits, etc.
What is Bullying?
Bulling is a constant verbal, physical, physiological behaviour performed on purpose.