Chap 1 & 2 Vocab (Quiz 1) Flashcards
Study of decision making when our wants are greater than our resources.
Opportunity Cost
What must be given up to attain something that is desired
Simpler version of reality that can be used to understand how parts of the economy function
Budget Constraint
All possible consumption choices, given your income and prices of goods
When human wants for goods and services exceed the available supply
Branch of Econ that focuses on broad issues such as growth, unemployment, inflation, and trade balance
Branch of economics that focuses on action of particular agents within the economy, like house holds, workers, and business firms
Command Economy
An economy where economic decisions are passed down from government authority and where the government owns the resources
Interaction between potential buyers and sellers; a combination of supply and demand
Market Economy
An economy where economic decisions are decentralized, private individuals own resources, and businesses supply good and services based on demand
Private Enterprises
System where private individuals or groups of private individuals own and operate the means of production
Traditional Economy
Tropically an agricultural economy where things are done the same as they have always been done
Underground Economy
A market where the buyers and sellers make transactions in violation of one or more government regulations
Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF)
A diagram that shows the productively efficient combinations of two products that an economy can produce given the resources it has available