Chap 1-2 Flashcards
Decision making
The process of defining the problem, identifying the alternatives, determining the criteria, evaluating alternatives, and choosing an alternative
Problem solving
The process of identifying a difference between the actual and the desired state if affairs and then taking action to resolve the difference
Single-criterion decision problems
A problem in which the objective is to find the “best” solution with respect to just one criterion
Multi criteria decision problem
A problem that involves more than one criterion; the objective is to find the “best” solution, taking into account all the criteria
The alternative selected
A representation if a real object or situation
Iconic model
A physical replica, or representation, of a real object
Analog model
Although physical in form, an analog model does not have a physical appearance similar to the real object or situation it represents
Mathematical model
Mathematical symbols and expressions used to represent a real situation
Restrictions or limitations imposed on a problem
Objective function
A mathematical expression that describes the problems objective
Uncontrollable inputs
The environmental factors or inputs that cannot be controlled. To the decision maker
Variables in front of x and y
The number that can’t be less than or more than
Controllable inputs
The inputs that are controlled or determined by the decision maker
Controllable inputs are the decision variables: x and y
Decision variables
Another term for controllable inputs
Deterministic model
A model in which all uncontrollable inputs are known and cannot vary
Stochastic (probabilistic) model
A model I which at least one uncontrollable input is uncertain and subject to variation
Management science
An approach to decision making based on scientific method, makes extensive use of quantitative analysis. Also called operations research, and decision science
Problem solving process
1) Identify and define the problem
2) Determine the set of alternative solutions
3) determine the criteria that will be used to evaluate the alternatives
4) evaluate the alternatives
5) choose an alternative
6) implement the selected alternative
7) evaluate the results to determine whether a satisfactory solution has been obtained