Chap 1 Flashcards
It is a service activity. The activity utilizes the complete process of identifying, measuring, and communicating financial information to formulate reports that will be used to provide relevant information to perform decision-making.
It represents the wealth or finance of the business which is composed of its properties or assets.
Net Worth
First three parts of the Accounting Cycle found in the bookkeeping:
Track down business activities from the time cash is used to transact,
Analyze, calculate, and record business activities (transactions), and
Prepare progress reports through making financial reports.
used for census or the registry of people living in a province to serve as a guide for collection of taxes.
He wrote the first mercantile book “Libro de Larte dela Mercatura” in 1458.
Benedetto Cotrugli
Father of Modern Accounting.
Luca Pacioli
He introduced the concept of double-entry bookkeeping through his first printed exposition titled “Summa de Arithmetica” in 1594.
Luca Pacioli
Primary users or parties inside the company. Those stakeholders that are directly involved in managing the business.
Internal Users
Secondary users or parties outside the company. Those individuals that are indirectly involved in managing the business.
External Users
Writing down financial activities
Recording is writing down financial activities ________ after analyzing each transaction.
Grouping recorded transactions or financial activities into specific account classifications.
Process of preparing financial reports that is used for decision-making by the users of accounting information.
Interpretation of reports based on the provided Financial Statements and presentation of this information in a qualitative and quantitative form.
An economic unit that engages in buying and selling of goods or rendering services to other people.
The business is owned and operated by one person only.
Sole Proprietorship
Most small businesses in different industries are _____-owned businesses.
sole proprietorship
A business is owned by two or more individuals that are called partners. Each partners decided to contribute knowledge and cash and non-cash assets to start up a business with the intent of dividing the profit eventually
This is a type of business which is created through a separate legal entity that is owned by more than one individual called shareholders/stockholders.
This type of business organization is not managed by the owner, but by the Elected Board of Directors (BOD) that are sometimes shareholders too.