chap 1 Flashcards
4 components of an issue
politcal, enviromental social, economic
diverse world
mortality rate, death rate, birth rate etc
global village
1 worldwide marketplace, collapse time and space barriers, interacting global scale\
process of greater interaction among people
pros of global village
- boosted economies
- creates jobs
- competition, no monplys
cons of global village
unfair labour practices
mismanages natural recourses
notes on wavy pop, stable K
pop based on resrouces (food, water) flucatuates based on that
stable k, pop just under
perfect, pop always below k
pop goes above k, both crash
pop kills k (resources) pop starves, dropping
could be from natural diaster
k increases, so does pop
tech increases k
phisolgical ability to produce babies
envirmental resistance
composite effects holding a pop down (supplies, government rules etc)
cultural revolution
hunting and gathering, nomadic
industrial revo
pop and carrying capacity increases from steam powered machines
skilled story tellers (oral)