Chaoter 3 Flashcards
Too thrifty, stingy / The boss, a _ man, insists that we save old memos and letters and use the backs of pages as note paper.
Wasteful and reckless with money / M & K both make decent salaries. They could live comfortably on what they make if they weren’t such _ spenders.
High-spirited enthusiasm / Jenny called all her friends, shrieking with _ over being accepted at her first-choice college.
To twist and turn, as if in pain and discomfort / Grandpa remembers the scratchy long underwear he wore to school in the winter: “It was so itchy that I would _ and wriggle at my desk all day long.”
A condition of moral deterioration / The older generation always seems to see _ among young people, groaning that “kids today” are spoiled, lazy and extravagant.
Worthy of praise or imitation / This year, the “Teacher of the year” award was given to not one but two _ instructors.
Unable to pay debt / Barry lost his head when he got his first credit card. He went on a spending spree, couldn’t pay his bill, and ended up _.
To merge to form one whole / Four block associations in our neighborhood will _ to form a single task force.
Done in a secret or sly way / As the wedding reception ended, several guests made _ trips to the parking lot, where they tied tin cans to the newlyweds’ car.
Occurring as a minor consequence of something more important / Selma chose her college because it had such a good nursing program, but an _ reason was that it is located in a beautiful town.