Channel Theory Flashcards
Post natal Qi
Tai yin is the source post natal Qi
The Spleen transforms food and drink to create nutritive aspect of the blood
The transformation of Qi in the tai yin Lung ch in concert with the beating of the heart, distributes the nutritive aspect throughout the body and outward to the skin
How does Lung tai yin work?
The infusion of Qi from the external environment by the lung provides the driving force to distribute fluids and nutrition from the spleen to the rest of the body
Causes of a damp pathology?
Dysfunction of either or both tai yin organs: water metabolism by the spleen or the Qi moving aspect of the lung or both
Signs of dampness due to tai yin issues?
Spleen Qi deficiency
Fatigue, low appetite, edema
A condition of excess that presents with signs of deficiency
What are the functions of the spleen channel?
Transforming dampness,
moving the Qi,
Maintaining the limbs
Storing thought
What is the spleen responsible for?
Transportation and transformation
Transformation of food that has been stored and fermented by the dry warmth of the stomach
Transportation of the resulting nutrition into the blood
Tai Yin metabolism?
Regulation of dampness
Distribution of nutrition
What does the spleen governs the blood mean?
Gathering the blood at the level of micro circulation to being it back into the vessels
This happens at the point where the arterial and venous capillaries meet and there is a mingling of nutrition with the interstitial fluid
Tai yin maintains the quality of the fluids
If the fluids in the cellular environment begin to lack nutritive quality then dampness will result.
What is dampness?
Dampness is a condition where fluids without beneficial qualities accumulate and develop pathology
What does spleen controlling the blood mean?
Reuptake of fluids at the capillary level
Eg bruising easily,
Inability of spleen to nourish skin through its cellular baths eg eczema and psoriasis
What is spleen Qi?
The transformation (removal) of pathogenic dampness
Cang Zhu
bai Zhu
What is spleen yin?
Provides nourishing fluids and the nutritive aspect of blood
Shan Yao
Sheng Di Huang
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan
Lu 5 and Kid 7
Sx: atrophy
Spleen Qi counter flow herbs?
Abnormal Qi transformation
Fu Ling and Zhu king
Lu 5 and Sp 9
Points and herbs to strengthen spleen Qi to transform dampness
Bai Zhu and Cang Zhu
Lu 9 and Sp 3
Points and herbs to benefit fluids to support spleen yin?
Shan Yao, Sheng Di Huang and Yi Yi Ren
Lu 5 and Kid 7
Points and herbs to regulate tai yin Qi dynamic?
Fu ling and Zhu Ling
Lu 5 and Sp 9
What does spleen warms the five yin organs mean?
The spleen provides nourishment to the rest of the body through its transformative action on food and proper nourishment of organs leads to warmth.
Warming the organs gets the Qi moving.
The process of cellular respiration involves the intake of nourishment and a net release of warmth. The spleen provides the post-natal raw material for this process
What causes weak or atrophied muscles?
Either spleen Qi deficiency from lack of nourishment of the spleen or accumulation of dampness
Accumulation of dampness In either the spleen organ or the channels can lead to muscle weakness or atrophy
When palpating the channels how can you tell deficiency of spleen Qi?
Softness of the muscle tissues sling the tai yin channels
When palpating the channels how can you tell accumulation of dampness?
Tenderness and soreness and possibly nodules sling the tai yin channels
Long term accumulation of dampness readily leads to development of phlegm
Phlegm will bring palpable nodules along the course of the channel
In a combination of excess and deficiency regulate channel function and clear excess before beginning tonification (lu 5 and Sp 9)
What pyschic aspect does the spleen store?
Over concentration (excessive intent) is a loss of balance that becomes obsession while lack of intent manifests as scattered disorganized thought
Over-thinking injures the spleen by interrupting the rhythm and composure of the subconscious mind
Rhythmic movement such as tai chi provides a basis for healthy thought
What is the emotion associated with the spleen?
Thought or pensiveness
Thought involves a response to the external stimulus and is an activity
What points regulate the interaction of the spleen and the lung?
Begin tx with Lu 5 and sp 9
Similar to four gates
What office does the Lung hold?
Prime minister to the heart’s emperor
The true Qi (zhen Qi) is brought into the body by the lung is necessary to activate the heart blood. There is potential in blood that is activated by Qi. The two are independent. The lung and the heart are the ultimate source of movement for the Qi and the blood
The lung commands the Qi and the heart moves the blood
What does “lung is commander of qi” mean?
All movement of Qi begins with the rhythm of the breath that originates in the lung
The paired spleen organ depends on this rhythm to support digestion, transform dampness and maintain the focus of intent
What vertebrae is the lung associated with?
The lung is said to hang from the third thoracic vertebrae
Changes along the spine in this area indicate not only lung pathology but digestive disorders that are rooted in a lack of rhythmic movement of Qi from the lung
Sp 21 treats?
Pain throughput the body
Pain in intercostal muscles
Breathing and Qi movement problems
What pathologies can Qi transformation problems cause?
Immune system disorders
Metabolic dysfunction
When regulating Qi it is often appropriate to choose tai yin
Use tai yin to regulate and then proceed to other channels in later stages of treatment as the root condition becomes more evident
Lu 5 and Sp 9
Two sea points which reverses counterflow Regulates Qi
Dampness and Qi counterflow
Skin disorders, cough, asthma or edema d/t Qi counterflow
What points and formula treat spleen with xu with stomach heat?
Patient fatigued, over weight with a puffy tongue, a strong appetite and strong smelling breath?
Drain the Epigastrium formulas such as Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang / strengthens the spleen while clearing stomach heat
Sp3 and Ren12 and St44
If dampness and HEAT more pronounced Sp4 and St45
What is the best way to treat changes in Qi transformation such as immune system disorders and metabolic dysfunction?
Regulate the Qi Dynamic first by treating tai yin
What conditions are Lu5 and Sp9 good for treating?
Skin conditions
Dampness and Qi counter flow
Cough, asthma and edema: tai yin counterflow
Combining two sea points reverses Qi counterflow