Changing Pattersn Of Marriage And Divorce Flashcards
What is cohabitation
Invloves an unmarried couple in sensual relationship living together
- numbers of marriage decreasing while cohabitation increasing
What are some reasons for increase in cohabitation
Secularization - decline in importance of religion in society -reduced stigma associated with cohabiting - people feel less need to get married
Divorce rate - increase in this may of put people off marriage
Expense - too expensive to get married
Pure relationships - giddens - people today are searching for the perfect relationship - always imagine there might be something better
What does Chester suggest about cohabitation
cohabitation Is part of process to getting married - 75% of cohabiting couples say they expect to get married
- not necessarily and alternative to marriage but a trial run - over 80% of uk marriages have previously cohabited
When was there changing patterns in divorce
significant increases divorce after 1969 divorce act
What are some reasons for the increase in divorce
Changes in the law
Declining stigma and changing attitudes
Rising expectation of marriage
Women increased financial independence
Feminist explanations
Modernity and individualisation
Changes in the law
Widening the grounds for divorce
Making divorce cheaper
- the introduction of legal aid for divorce cases 1949 lowered the cost of divorcing
- divorce rates have risen with each change in law
Alternatives to divorces
Desertion - one partner leaves the other but couple remain. Legally married
Legal separation - court separates financial and legal affairs but couple remain married and are not free to re-marry
‘Empty shell’ marriage - couple continues to live under same roof but remain married in name only
However divorce becoming easier to obtain = these solutions becoming less popular
Declining stigma and changing attitudes
In past divorce been stigmatized - negative label - now rapid stigma decline
-eg church often refuse to conduct marriage involving divorcees
Decline in the influence of religion - religious institutions + ideas are losing influence - society becomes more secular eg church attended rates decline = less likely to be influenced
Rising expectations of marriage
Fletcher - Higher expectations on marriage = makes couples less willing to tolerate an unhappy marriage
Eg - ideology of romantic love - become dominant idea (there’s mr or Mrs right out there) - if love dies there’s no longer justification for to remain married (divorce to search for soulamte)
However in past some had little choice with who they married - less likely too have high expectations so enter the marriage with this = therefore less likely to be dissatisfied by absence of romance and intimacy
Womes increased financial independance
Improvements in economic position - less financially dependant on their husbands = feer to end unsatisfactory marriage
- more likely to be in paid work - anti-discrimination laws = narrow pay gap
- welfare state availability
What is childbearing + childrearing
Childbearing is having children (birth)
Childrearing is bringing them up
How do these link to trends in marriage and divorce etc
Women having children later (delayed marriage + focus on careers)
Women have fewer children
Higher % of women choosing no to have any children
More than 40% children born outside marriage = decline in marriage and increase in cohabitation
Reasons for these changes
Increase in births outside marriage - decline in stigma & increase in cohabitation
- eg some adults think marriage should come before parenthood
Later age having children, smaller family size + fact women remain childless = reflect how women are more options than motherhood now
Why are majority of lone-parent female headed
-widespread belief women are by nature suited to an ‘expressive’ or nurturing role
-divorce courts usually give custody of children to mothers
-men may be less willing than women to give up work to care for children
Single by choice - renvoize - professional women were able to support without fathers involvement
Overview on stepfamilies
Account for approx over 10% of all Sam’s with dependant children in Britain
Ferri + smith - step families very similar to first + stepparents are positive in childrearing - however greater risk of poverty
Reasons for formation of step families
Increase in divorce, Lone-parent + separation = increase in stepfamilies
Stepparents at greater risk of poverty - more children + other half may have to support children from previous relationships
When did same sex marriage become legal
2014, same-sex couples have been able to marry
How has increase in separation + divorce created more one-person households
This occurs especially amongst men
-following divorce any children are more likely to live with mother & father more likely to leave family home
How does marriage additionally lead to this
Decline in marriage + marrying later = more people remain alone & single
However while some this a a choice for some - some have too few partners available in their age group
Living apart together
Assumed those not living with a partner, don’t have one
Duncan + Phillips - British social attitudes survey - found about 1 in 10 adults ‘LAT’
- also say how both choice and not and not play a part - some say they can’t afford to = more likely to occur in working class
What are some of the changes in patterns with marriage
-fewer people marrying - rates lowest since 1920 - however more re-marriages = 2012 1/3 marriages are re marriages
-leads to ‘serial monogomy’ = pattern of marriage divorce, remarriage
-people marrying later
-couples less likely to marry in church - 1981 60% conducted in church -2012 fallen to 30%
6 reasons for changing patterns in marriage
-Changing attitudes - less pressure, more freedom, quality more important than legal status
-secularisation - churches influence declines some people -feel freer not to marry
-declining stigma to other options - cohabitiation, single, children outside marriage accepted
-change position of women - better ed + career prospects - women less economically dependant on men - feminists = marriage is oppression patriarchal - puts women off
-fee of divorce - rising divorce rate = worry it will happen to them
What are some other patterns of marriage
Remarriage - main increase = rises in divorce
Age - young people postponing to send longer in ed + maybe establish themselves in a career
Cohabitation - people do this for time period before marriage
Ethnic differences in family patterns
Immigration into Britain since 1950s - helped create ethnic diversity = contributed to changing family patterns
Black families overview on family patterns
Black Caribbean + African - have a higher proportion of lone-parent households
-high rate of this + female headed = sometimes been seen as evidence of disorganisation
Black male unemployment + poverty - less able to provide for family = higher rates of desertion or marital break down
What did mirza + Reynolds say about this
Higher rate of lone-parent fams among black people is not result in reorganization - reflects high value back women place on independence
Statistics - misleading - many lone-parents are stable, supportive but non-cohabiting relations
Asian families and changing patterns of family
Pakistani, indian households tend to be larger than those of other ethnic groups
-sometimes contain 3 generations = most nuclear rather than extended
-reflect value placed on extended family in asian cultures