changing patterns - divorce & marriage Flashcards
marriage breakdown 1 - divorce?
- legal termination of marriage
- 1969 divorce reform act: “irretrievable breakdown” withouth marrital offence being commited by either partner
- since 1984 couples petition for divource after 1st year of marriage
marriage breakdown 2 -seperation?
- couples agree to live apart after the breakdown, remian legally married
- in the past this was the only solution because divorce was too expensive or difficult
marriage breakdown 3 - empty shell marriages?
- husband & wife stay together in name only, no love or intamacy left, matter of respect
- marriages: seperated & forced to live together
why divorce statistics may be unrealiable?
- misleading conclusions about declining importance of marriage & family
- “it’s declining” : 65% families in uk are married
- divorce stats: legally terminated, dont show: seperated but still marriage, unhappy/unstable couples existed before divorce was easier and cheaper
divorce reform act 1969 ?
- marriage seen as “ irretrievable breakdown”
family law act ?
- increased amount of time before divorce could be granted: 18 months
- compulsary marriage concouling “period of reflection” & required children’s wishes & financhal arrangements
matrimonial & family proceedings 1984?
- can divorce only after year
2019 new divorce dissolution & seperation law?
- removed partners blame eachother
explanations & reasons
changes in law?
- cheaper & easier for divorce
- men & women equal rights in divorce
- 1971 granted based on “irretrievable breakdown”
- divorce rate almost 2x
explanations & reasons
decline in stigma & social attitudes
- no longer shamefull
- giddens: consequence of people persuing individual choices, confined by society
explanations & reasons
- decline in influence of religious beliefs
- traditional: “sin” gone, church’s attitude softer towards divorce
explanations & reasons
higher expectations of marriage, fletcher?
- higher expectations : higher divorce rates,
- higher expectations: people less tolerant of unhappy marriages
- higher divorce rate: better marriage expectations reflected in re-marriage rates
explanations & reasons
changes position of women?
- 2 1/3 divorce petitions initiated by women
- improve in women’s economic positions: don’t rely on husbands
- availability of welfare benefits
- feminists: women’s expectations in life & quality of relationships increased
divorce - theories on divorce
Fletcher - functionalists?
- higher demands of marriage, marriage: underthreat as social institutions
- end marriages that were accepted in the past
- higher divorce rates: higher marriage expectations
divorce - theories on divorce
liberal feminists?
- high rates: oppurtunities for women, don’t rely on husband: own money, priotities changed
- dual burden: unpaid & paid work : increase in divorce, family change: slow & limited
- marriage is still patriarchal: men benefit from “triple shift”
divorce - theories on divorce
liberal feminism - hochschild ?
- for women, home continues to comapre favourably w work
- at work: valued
- at home: men’s resistance w housework: frustration: marriage un-stable
- women’s independance: positive
divorce - theories of divorce
- what divorce means to individuals
- Morgan: can’t generalise meaning of divorce: everyones interpretion different
divorce - theories of divorce
- high divorce rates: freedom to end relationship when it doesn’t meet needs
- cause of family diversity
- Beck: traditional norms: staying married to 1 person, lose hold, persue own interests, individualism thesis, relationships fragile, less wiling to remian w partners
marriage statistics?
- 2016: 249,793 marriages in Englands & Wales, 1.7% above 2015, 1.0% below 2014
- same sex couples 7,019: 2016 8.1% more than 2015
- opp sex decreased in 2016 compared to 2006
- 24% religious ceremonies 2016
- 80% remarry
marriage - explanations & reasons
changing attitudes?
- no longer seen as “compulsary”
- expensive & rise in divorce
- people still aspire to get married
marriage - explanations & reasons
- no longer having religious ceremonies
- not all groups
reduced stigma?
- rise in cohabition, effect,
- same sex marriages rise: change in attitudes
marriage - explanations & reasons
changes to positions of women?
- economically stabel, don’t need man
- not all women
marriages - explanations & reasons
fear of divorce?
- higher expectations of marriage (Fletcher)