Changing Health Beliefs & Behaviours Flashcards
Name the 3 motivational models of how health behaviour can be changed.
-Health belief model
-Theory of planned beh
-Social cognitive model
Name the multi-stage model for how health behaviour can be changed.
Transtheoretical model of change
Health interventions?
Learning how to facilitate health promoting behavior voluntarily - by methods of ‘teaching’
How may health interventions be done?
Doctors giving patients strategies to change their health related behs
Strategies to change:
-Drink driving
-Cervical screening
-STI prevention
-Smoking -> regret, fear arousal
-Drink driving -> fear arousal, shock, put into context - make it relatable sit
-Cervical screening -> modelling (seeing others doing it - social models - relatable models similar to themselves), active learning (why is it beneficial), human procedural info to change attitudes
-STI prevention -> anticipated regret, fear arousal
- Target them to people in pop where incidence & prevalence are greatest e.g., young adults - & strategies that should work for them
Why are health interventions vital?
Beh - plays an big role in health & well-being of people (e.g., smoking, poor diet, lack of physical activity)
What are behaviour change techniques?
Strategies that helps an individual change their beh -> to promote better health (e.g., setting goals, taking unhealthy foods out of the house)
Behaviour change technique examples -> for health interventions?
-Active learning
-Risk scenario information
-Anticipated regret
-Fear arousal
-Procedural information
-Goal setting
Health risk behaviours?
Any activity which increases risk disease/injury
Purpose of motivational models?
-Predict health at particular time points
-Define variables that determine health behaviour and assess their ability to predict it
Explain how the health belief model links to health beh (motivational model of beh change).
-Perceived threat -> break down: perceived seriousness & perceived susceptibility
–> so can then target these in health interventions techniques - educate on seriousness & susceptibility -> use the health intervention techniques listed previously
-Target any barriers/hindrance to access - to emphasise perceived benefits
-Self-efficacy = confidence that can change beh or thought to make a difference
-Cues to action - what is making someone want to change
**==> be able to manipulate these to see if someone is inclined to change their health behs or not
Issues of health belief model?
-DOES NOT state how beliefs influence each other OR combine to influence beh
i.e., how exactly is self-ef influencing behs effect perceived threat
-No operational definition of variables - how is perceived threat measured
Benefits of health belief model?
-Gives proven evidence to support behs e.g., mammography - promoting +ve health behs
What is the theory of planned behaviour (motivational model of beh change)
An individual’s evaluation that influence intent & then influence the beh action
-Beh beliefs -> individual’s belief about consequences of particular behavior - what they think is the right thing to do ==> influences attitude - +ve or -ve based upon beliefs about if the beh is favourable or unfavourable - by weighing up benefits & consequences of acting or not acting
-Normative beliefs -> beliefs an individual thinks people close to them would want them to do ==> influences subjective norm what do others expect them to do
-Control beliefs -> presence of factors that may facilitate or impede performance of beh ==> influences perceived beh control - do they have the necessary resources needed to decide
ALL INFLUENCE INTENT -> & then possibly action (if/if not done)
-Stronger intentions if all x3 other inputs favour acting/beh change
*Normative beliefs = social influence!
What is the social cognitive theory - of how health behaviour can be changed (motivational model of beh change)?
= focus on reciprocal interaction of person, env, & behavior -> provides description of ways individuals initiate & maintain behs -> taking considering their social env
Explain beh change is more likely to occur if:
-They believe they have control over outcome (self-efficacy = personal sense of control facilitating beh change!!!)
-Are few perceived external barriers
-Have confidence in their ability to achieve goals
*So env effects if are any ext barriers to the beh - & env influences expression of one’s thoughts, beliefs in various social sets
*Personal thoughts, feelings, biology - influence on’es innate confidence in their ability -> which is also influenced by env (social sets)
–> these both then effect beh!!!
Outcome expectancies -> people’s judgements about the consequences of their beh - +ve or -ve