Change Management Flashcards
What is the order of testing for the Continuous Integration (CI) process of change management?
Involves testing code changes in the following order: Unit, Integration, System and Acceptance.
What is it called when both old and new systems operate at the same time?
Parrallel conversion
What is the flow of change environments?
Development, Testing, Staging, and Production
What is Continuous integration?
System development approach where code changes are frequently and auotmatically integrated into a shared respository with the obj. of catching bugs early in the dev process. Automated Testing is the most common method of validating CI code changes before deployment.
What is unit testing?
It is part of CI dev practice that involves initial narrow test performed on individual components. Primary purpose is to find and resolve defect in individaul components before they are merged for broader testing.
What is patch management and who uses it?
PM is the process of identifying, testing, and applying software updates (patches) to fix vulnerabilities, enhance performance, and ensure the secutiry of systems. Corp It or SaaS providers.
What is the primary purpose of the systems specification document (SSD)?
It is to identify the requirements for the new system.
In what environment is does UAT occur?
Staging - Dev, Test, Stage, and Prod. Test comes before STAGE and Staging is where UAT occurs.