Change And Development In Rural Society Flashcards
Discuss the land tenure reforms implemented by the Indian government after independence
1 Zamindari abolition act
This system had intermediaries between the cultivators and the state so the abolition of it removed these intermediaries which strengthened the position of the cultivators
2 Tenancy abolition and regulation acts
Thesvacts aimed to give security to tenants by either regulating taxes or abolishing Tenancy. However these laws were not very effective in most states
3 Land ceiling act
These acts imposed a limit on the amount of land that a family could own which depended on the region and productivity of the land
Write a note on the lan ceiling act
1 they imposed a limit on the amount of land that a family could own which depended on the region and productivity of he land
2 they were passed to redistribute lands from large landowners to to landless families and others
3 they were not very effective as there were many loopholes that the landowners could use to avoid losing their land
What do you understand by Green Revolution
Critically evaluate the program in terms of its achievements and negative consequences
1 it was a government program aimed to modernize agriculture in the 60&70s. It was funded by international agencies and it provided farmers with high yielding seeds, fertilizers and pesticides
2 Advantages
▪︎it increase he productivity which led to India becoming self sufficient in food/grain production for the 1st time
▪︎farmers went from growing just for themselves to selling crops in the market
3 Disadvantages
▪︎it was only implemented in areas with assured irrigation as sufficient water was required for the new seeds and methods of cultivation
▪︎only medium&large farmers benefited from it as small farmers couldn’t spend as much as them on inputs
Explain the changes that took place in rural society after independence
1 as agriculture became more commercialised the land-worker relationship change from one of patronage to exploitation. This is indicative of a transition to capitalist agriculture
2 as rural areas became more integrated into the wider economy there was an increase in the flow of money into villages and opportunities for business and employment
2 the state invested in the development of rural infrastructure and provision of agricultural inputs not only to transform rural economy and agriculture but also agrarian structure and rural society
Explain how agricultural development in 60s&70s was responsible for changing the rural social structure
1 rich farmers in areas like Andhra pradesh,UP,Gujarat used their profits to start other businesses
2 the process of diversification created entrepreneurial groups the move from rural areas to towns which gave rise to new regional elites who were economicaly and politically dominant
3 the spres of higher education especially in private professional colleges allowed rural elites to educate their children who then joined professional/white collar jobs or started businesses which led to the expansion of urban middle class
Examine the impact of green revolution on circulation of labour’s in the areas that underwent labour
1 it increased the demand for seasonal labor in prosperous regions like Punjab breaking traditional landlord-tenant ties which led to a new pattern of seasonal migration where workers move from their homes to these regions for higher wages/work
2 rising inequalities in mid 90s forced men to migrate for better wages leaving their families. These footloose workers came mainly from drought prone regions and less productive regions and they work for a part of the year on farms in Punjab and haryana
3 although landless workers lack rights & are not paid the minimum wage they’re preferred over local working class as they can be easily exploited. This created a peculiar pattern where local landless laborers left to search for work during peakseasons while migrants workers are brought to work on local farms
Discuss the impact of globalization on agriculture
Explain the concept of globalization of agriculture
1 after decades of state support and protected market the Indian farmers face competition from the global market
2 in regions like Punjab & karnataka farmers enter into contracts with multinational companies who give the farmers he inputs to grow a specific crop and guarantees to buy it at a predetermined price
3 over the last decade he government has reduced its agricultural development programs and agricultural extension agents are replaced with agents of seeds,pesticides companies which is the main source of info on new seeds etc. This led to a dependence on expensive fertilizers and pesticides reducing profits etc