Chamber Supervisor Flashcards
What is the Equation for electing Sur-D during 30 or 20 foot stops on O2?
(Ref. 9-19)
( 1.1 x O2 time remaining) / 30 = chamber O2 periods required rounded up.
What is the equation for electing Sur-D during decompression on air?
(Ref. 9-19)
(Total air time/total O2 time at 30’) = Trading Ratio
(Remaining air time at 30’/trading ratio)= Equivalent O2 time at 30’
(Total O2 time at 20’ + Equivalent O2 remaining at 30’)= total O2 time remaining
(Total O2 time/1.1)=Total
(Total/:30)= O2 time in chamber rounded up to next whole half period.
What is the Equation for converting to air with permanent loss of O2 during Sur-D?
(Ref. 9-41)
(30’ air time + 20’ air time)=Number
(30’ O2 time + 20’ O2 time)= number
(Total air/Total O2)= Super Ratio
(Total O2 time remaining in chamber x Super Ratio)= Total time on air remaining, rounded up
Total time remaining:
10% at 40’
20% at 30’
70% at 20’
What do you do for a Surface Interval Greater than :5 but less than :7 for a Sur-D dive?
(Ref. 9-39)
Add :15 penalty to the 50’ stop.
What do you do for a surface interval greater than :7 during a Sur-D dive?
(Ref. 9-40)
Recompress to 60’
TT5 for 2 or fewer chamber Periods
TT6 for More than 2 Chamber Periods
Explain the “Safe way out Procedure”
Ref. 9-40
In the event a diver is unable to clear during a Sur-D while in the chamber the supervisor may elect to start O2 time at the deepest attainable depth.
If the divers surface from 30’ the supervisor should try and creep the divers to at least 30’
If the divers surface from 20’ the supervisor should try and creep divers to at least 20’
Double your chamber 02 periods.
O2 time starts when divers go on O2.
What is the procedure for Type 1 DCS during a surface interval?
(Ref. 9-40)
- Identify the diver and location of symptoms.
- Once the diver has been stripped out of gear conduct a rapid sweep assessment of the affected diver.
- Send Inside Tender in chamber with divers.
- Conduct a full Neurological Exam at 50’ during the first :15 period.
- If the the Type 1 symptoms resolve in the first :15 and the Surface Interval was :5 or less increase the 50’ stop time from :15 to :30 then continue with the scheduled decompression for the dive.
- If the type 1 symptoms do not resolve in the first :15 or the Surface Interval was greater than :5 minutes press the divers to 60’ on oxygen.
- Treat the divers on a TT5 if the original decompression schedule called for 2 or fewer chamber periods.
- Treat the divers on a TT6 if the original decompression schedule called for MORE THAN 2 chamber periods.
- Treatment table time starts when the divers reach 60’ in the chamber.
Describe Table 9-2 Management of extended surface interval and type 1 DCS during surface interval.
(Ref. 9-41)
Explain the loss of O2 during a Sur-D dive.
Ref. 9-41
•If the loss is temporary return the divers to breathing O2 as soon as possible.
•If the loss is permanent use the calculation for loss of O2 to determine how much decompression time you owe the divers.
•if you have to do the times at your 30’ and 20’ stops you will do:
30% at 30’
70% at 20’
Explain the procedure for CNS-O2 Toxicity in the chamber during a Sur-D dive.
(Ref. 9-42)
•First hit non-convulsive.
- Remove mask
- After all symptoms have completely subsided start a :15 minute penalty of breathing chamber air.
- following the conclusion of the :15 resume oxygen breathing at the point of interruption.
•2nd hit or convulsion
- Remove mask
- Once symptoms have completely subsided and the patient is fully relaxed and breathing normally begin ascending 10’ at 1’ per minute.
•If another symptom occurs after ascending 10’ complete the Sur-D on air.
- Using the formula for loss of O2 calculate how much time on air is required to complete the decompression.
10% at 40’
20% at 30’
70% at 20’
Always round up.
Explain table 9-3, Management of Asymptomatic Omitted Decompression.
Explain the chamber procedures following in water CNS O2 Convulsions.
(Ref. 9-38)
Multiply the remaining O2 time at the stops by 1.1, then dividing the total by :30. Round up to the nearest half period. :15 at 50’ is the minimum.
TR x 1.1= Total
Total/:30= Periods in chamber
Explain chamber procedures following NON CONVULSIVE CNS-O2 tox.
(Ref. 9-37)
Initiate Sur-D.
Shift to air during travel to surface.
Compute the number of chamber oxygen periods by multiplying the remaining oxygen time at the stops by 1.1
Divide the total by 30 minutes then round up to the next highest half.period.
:15 at 50’ is a minimum
RT x 1.1= Total
Total/:30= chamber 02 periods
Explain the procedures following in water DCS during in water Decompression.
(Ref. 9-45)
- Dispatch Standby diver to assist. Continue to decompress other divers according to original schedule.
- If diver is at 30 or 20 foot stop on air, switch diver to 100% O2 if available.
- Have the diver descend 10 fsw. If significant relief is not obtained descend additional 10 fsw not to exceed 40’ if diver is on O2.
- Remain at treatment depth for at least :30
- If diver is on air resume decompression by multiplying air and O2 times by 1.5.
- If recompression went deeper than original first stop, insert intervening stops in 10’ increments.
- If the diver is undergoing treatment on O2 at 40’ return to surface by multiplying 30 and 20’ stops by 1.5
If original schedule did not call for a 30’ stop insert a 30’ stop equal to the stop time at 20’ - If the diver is undergoing treatment at 30’, return to surface by multiplying the 20’ stop by 1.5 for new 20’ stop.
Explain the procedures for in water DCS treatment with level 1 chamber.
(Ref. 9-46)
If chamber is immediately available treat diver in water for :30 then surface the diver for further treatment in chamber.
- The surface interval MUST be :5 or less.
- The diver should be considered to have Type 2 DCS even if symptoms are type 1.
- After completing treatment monitor on surface for 6 hours
- if symptoms reoccurr treat as reoccurrence of type 2 symptoms.
What are the manning requirements for the chamber? •Emergency •Minimum •Preferred (Ref. 17-2)
Ideal: 7 -Diving Officer -Master Diver -Chamber Supervisor -UMO -Inside Tender -Log Keeper Outside Tender
Minimum: 3
- Chamber Supervisor
- Inside Tender
- outside tender
- Emergency: 2
- Chamber Supervisor
- Inside Tender
What are the responsibilities of the Chamber Supervisor?
(Ref. 17-3
- Communicating with personnel inside the chamber.
- Adhering to minimum manning level for conducting recompression treatment.
- Ensuring every member of chamber team is familiar with all treatment procedures.
- Ensuring an UMO is contacted at the earlier opportunity during treatment and before release of patient from treatment.
- Ensuring details related to assessment and treatment of patient are thoroughly documented in chamber log in accordance with chapter 5-5 and command dive bill.
- Tracking bottom time and decompression profiles or personnel locking in and out of chamber.
- Ensuring decompression profiles of persons locking in and out of chamber are logged in chamber log.
What are the symptoms of AGE?
Ref. 17-7
- Extreme Fatigue
- Difficulty in thinking
- Vertigo
- Nausea or vomiting
- Hearing abnormalities
- Bloody sputum
- Loss of control of bodily functions
- Tremors
- Loss of coordination
- Numbness
What considerations should be taken for someone expected to have and AGE?
- Consider that more than one POIS may have taken place.
- Listen to lungs
- examine patient for signs and symptoms of pneumothorax, mediastinal emphysema, subcutaneous emphysema.
- conduct full neuro at earliest opportunity.
What is the treatment of a pulseless or breathless diver?
Ref. 17-7
- Begin CPR
- Get AED and apply as needed
- Advance Cardiac Life Support is higher priority than recompression.
- All efforts must be made to transport patient to highest level of medical care available.
What are the symptoms of type 1 DCS?
REF 17-9
P: Joint pain (musculoskeletal or pain only)
M: Marbling of the skin
S: Swelling of the lymph nodes.
What are the symptoms of type 2 DCS?
Ref 17-11
C: Cardiopulmonary (chokes)
N: Neurological
S: Inner Ear (staggers)
What are the symptoms of type 2 DCS?
Ref 17-11
C: Cardiopulmonary (chokes)
N: Neurological
S: Inner Ear (staggers)
Always and Nevers
Ref 17-10 table 17-2