Challenging LE Organization Flashcards
? Is a fake word used to describe individuals who lack the ability to handle things not going their way
? behavior or “escapism” included drug addiction, gambling, sexual,promiscuity, etc
This may be the number one problem in America today
This phobia is a fear of people who are different
Bad behavior affects supervisors in 2 ways.
They ignore good behavior
They focus on disciplining employees…..they find things wrong
Two issues that have raised the stakes in emotional culture of LE.
Affirmative action
Accusations of racial profiling
Harold Geneen says leadership is practiced not so much in words but in
Attitude and actions
Most cops say only ? to ? % of supervisors they worked for displayed true leadership
? % of cops say they have felt like they wanted to quit when they worked for a bad mgr
90 %
3 types of managers :
Leaders -10 % of mgrs
Evil - 10% of mgrs
Ineffective- 80 % of mgrs
7 laws of leadership:
Integrity and honor Servant hood Mentorship Professionalism Positive Reinforcement Proactive communication
Why are most managers failing? A lack of?
Lack of self awareness
The most Important quality of being a leader is the ability to ?
Make decisions
6 leadership paradigms :
Normal vs abnormal: human behavior is naturally bad
Feelings and emotions vs skills and actions:confuse beliefs and feelings with skills and actions
Knowledge vs skills: we have little training on how to manage
Normal intentions vs abnormal discipline: intro personal skill of discipline is most important
Self discipline vs accountability: others or system should hold us accountable
Leading others vs leading with others: we do tasks better with others
5 warning signs for the would be leader
Don't trust yourself- self deception Road to hell is paved with good intentions Good feelings come AFTER obedience Don't expect affirmation by organization Don't try to do this alone
5 self management principles
YOU are the biggest obstacle Become skilled Write it down and schedule it Choose to lose Have others hold you accountable
You must ? the culture to to win over others
INVADE the culture
Number one interpersonal skill is to :
MBWA! Manage by walking around
7 non verbal communication skills
Kinesics: body language, such as gestures and posture
Proxemic: distance while communicating
Para language: tone of voice, pitch, and speed
Facial expressions: lack of eye contact etc
Haptic: touching a powerful on verbal skill
Chronemic: speed and time in communication process
Appearance: grooming or dress
Most managers fail to be leaders due to lack of
Discipline and skills to engage others
3 types of employees
Exemplary - 10%
Problem - 10 %
Reflective- 80 %
Reflective employees (80%) are best source of?
Supervisors. Like an average player becomes the best coach
3 types of reinforcement:
Oral-tell people they did a good job
Written- more effective than oral
Tangible- ribbons, medals etc.
The need to be recognized and need to be part of something important is ?
Dualism. Marine Corp has mastered this
A most common mistake of mgrs and leaders is
2 types of problem employees
Chronic Long Term- few of these can be changed
Ex- exemplary- Can win this person back to be competent employee
For leaders and families, most critical skill is
Learning discipline… D the right thing even if you done feel like it
The type of employee who will being it most from disciplinary efforts is the ? employee
Reflective employee
The foundation of being effective ( or even ineffective) as a leader is
How we view ourselves
Skills of successful people fall into two areas
INTRA - personal ( ability to manage ones self)
INTER -personal ( ability to deal with other people)