Challenges to Religious Belief- the Problem of Evil and Suffering Flashcards
Moral evil
Caused by free will agents. Eg. murder, rape, terrorism.
Natural evil
Caused by nature. Eg. earthquakes, tsunamis, disease, forest fires.
The logical problem of evil (classical- Epicurus)
A deductive argument which claims that the existence of evil proves that an all knowing, all powerful and all loving God can’t exist. So a God of classical theism can’t exist.
“either God wants to abolish evil and cannot, he is impotent; or he can but does not want to, he is wicked. “
Hume on the classical problem
Hume gave a similar version of Epicurus. “Is he willing to prevent evil, but not able? he is impotent. Is he able but not willing? he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? then why is there evil.
Mackie’s modern development (inconsistent triad)
Inconsistent triad: God is omnipotent (all powerful), God is omnibenevolent (all loving), evil exists. He argues that these 3 are logically inconsistent, it is impossible for all 3 to be true at the same time. So God is either not all powerful, not all loving or does not exist.
Mackie’s paradox of omnipotence
“can God make beings he cannot control?” If yes, then his powers are limited because he can’t control those beings. If no, then his powers are limited because there is something he can’t do. Either way, God is not all powerful.
The evidential problem of evil (modern)
Inductive version of the problem, it argues that existence of evil shows that God is improbable. The more evidence of evil there is, the less likely it is that God exists. There are 2 versions: Rowe and Paul.
Rowe’s evidential problem
Rowe argues that it seems reasonable that God would allow some limited suffering so humans can grow/develop. God would not allow intense suffering (rape and murder of a child/ death of a fawn in a forest fire). An omnipotent and omniscient God would know when intense suffering was about to take place and would be able to prevent it, an all loving being would prevent all evil/suffering therefore probably God does not exist.
Paul’s evidential problem
God would not allow so many premature deaths. 50 billion children have died before reaching the age of mature consent and 300 billion humans have died prenatally (before birth). He argues that millions of innocent children suffer and die every year and these children are too young to make choices about God- no free will. No all loving/ all powerful being would permit such suffering, so God doesn’t exist.
Answering the problem of evil
Augustinian type theodicies- evil does not really exist, things that look like evil to us is the result of misusing our free will.
Iranaean type theodicies- evil is necessary for our development into better human beings.
Augustinian theodicy key points
Evil is a consequence of sin. Evil is a privation of good. The fall of humans and creation led to evil. The cross overcomes evil. A soul deciding theodicy.
Augustinian- evil is a consequence of sin
Augustine bases his theodicy on a literal interpretation of the genesis creation story, he believed God’s creation of the universe was originally perfect, free from evil until the first sin of angels and humans. God gave use free will and it is misuse of freewill that creates evil. Responsibility for evil therefore lies with us, not God.
Augustinian- evil is a privation
Since God is all loving, he would not create evil, evil is not a ‘substance’ it is a privation- a lack of goodness. God made every good thing, but it has the potential to be corrupted, the fact it can be corrupted means it is good as if something can’t have less goodness than it does, it doesn’t have any goodness to begin with.
Augustinian- the fall of human beings and creation
Adam and Eve used their free will to turn away from God. This was the original sin which lead to the fall of creation. We share Adam’s guilt and sin as we are descended from him. “seminally present in the loins of Adam”. All moral evil is caused by misuse of free will and all natural evil is caused by the fall of creation.
Augustinian- the cross overcomes evil; soul deciding
Christians refer to the fall as a happy mistake as without it, it wouldn’t have been necessary for God to send Jesus into the world to save it from sin. Those who freely choose to accept Jesus as their saviour will be redeemed and when they die, they will be reunited with God in heaven.