Challenge 5 Flashcards
I can
Galla’ i
if I can
os galla’ i
I’m not sure
dw i ddim yn siŵr
something else
rhywbeth arall
anything else
unrhyw beth arall
It is [mae hi’n / mae o’n]
to stop
I don’t want
dw i ddim yn moyn
I think that it’s interesting
dw i’n meddwl bod hi’n ddiddorol
I can remember how to say what I want to say
Galla’ i gofio sut i ddweud beth dw i’n moyn dweud
And I’m not sure what I was trying to say
A dwi ddim yn siwr beth o’n i’n trio dweud
I’ve still got to say something else
Mae dal rhaid i fi ddweud rhywbeth arall
I’ve just started to learn Welsh because it’s interesting
Dw i newydd ddechrau dysgu Cymraeg achos mae’n ddiddorol
I don’t want to stop now because I think it’s interesting
Dw i ddim yn moyn stopo nawr achos dwi’n meddwl bo hi’n ddiddorol