Challenge 3 Flashcards
to start
dw i newydd
doo ee NEH-widh
I’ve just
dw i wedi anghofio
doo ee WEH-dee ang-HOV-yo
I’ve forgotten
dw i wedi bod yn dysgu
doo ee WEH-dee bod en DUS-gee
I have been learning
am fis
am vees
for a month
dw i wedi bod yn siarad
doo ee WEH-dee bod en SHA-rad
I have been speaking
am biti mis
am BIT-ee meese
for about a month
o’n i’n trio
ohn een TREE-oh
I was trying
that [as in “…that I need to…”]
bo’ fi
boh vee
that I [as in “…that I need to…”]
Dw i newydd ddechrau dysgu siarad Cymraeg
I’ve just started to learn to speak Welsh
O’n i’n trio dweud bo’ fi wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg am biti mis nawr
I was trying to say that I have been learning Welsh for about a month now
Dw i wedi anghofio sut i ddweud rhywbeth
– I’ve forgotten how to say something