Challange and Change Flashcards
What is Deviance
any violation of the norms of a society
to be considered a deviant you would have to be …
dedicated to a deviant act (criminals)
stigmatized by society (trans people)
what are the 5 types of deviants according to Robert Merten
Conformist (most common)
What is a conformist (Mertens defintion)
People who accept the cultural goals of a society and the means to attain that goal. For example in order to become a lawyer you go to get a bachelors -> law school then lawyer, this is the socially acceptable way to become a lawyer and this path is rarely questioned
what is a ritualist (Mertens definition)
People who abandon the goal of society but uphold its norms. For example creating change within a societies systems ie RBG
What is a Innovator (Mertens definition)
people who seek alternative means of reaching a goal. For example Bill Gates
Retreatists (Mertens definition)
People who reject a goal and the means of achieving it. For example a homeless person or drug addict.
Rebels (Mertens definition)
People who attempt to subsitute new goals. Similar to Retreastists but Rebels replace the rules while retreatists simply reject them. For example Ghandi is a rebel.
What is Control theory
people are impacted by behaviors learned at a young age which leads to conformity
what systems work against our motivations to deviate
A person’s inner and outer controls
Transmission theory
Deviance is a learned behaviour learned through assocation with deviant individuals (for example being friends with furries may lead you to become one)
Labeling theory
focuses on how devients are identified by society.
- Deviance is relative changing from society to society
-deviance can change from society to society or culture to culture
What is Social Change
shift in the organization of society itself
Who is Susan Fiske
A professor at Princeton University who came up with the five social motives to conform
What is Conformity
the most common and pervasive form of social influence. i.e a change of behaviour as a result of real or imagined group pressure or norms.
The Five Core Social Motives of Conformity according to Susan Fiske
Enhancing Self
What is Groupthink
a phenomenon that occurs when the desire for group consensus overrides people’s common sense desire to present alternatives, critique a position, or express an unpopular opinion
Who is Leon Festinger
Leon Festinger is an American Physcologist who developed the social comparison theory
what is Social Comparison Theory
according to this theory people routinly compare themselves with other when they are unable to judge their status and abilities on their own. For example you just started playing a game and the only way to figure out how good you are is to play against other people and compare your skills to theirs.
what is Competetive Emulation
trying to keep pace with other people in terms of material good and lifestyle. All your friends recently bought a pair of XM5 headhpones so know you are more likely to buy them.
Who is Abraham Maslow
Maslow is an American Psychologist who came up with the Hierarchy of Needs
What is the Hierarchy of Needs
stages of need to explain human motivation.
what are inner controls
Morals - Conscience - Religious Principles - Impacted by Societal Bonds
what are outer controls
Family - Friends - Police
what are the 5 things on maslows hierarchy of needs
Self actualization
What did Elkind do
developed the theory that teenagers are egotistical af, as they discorver who they are n stuff