Chakras Flashcards
What is the first chakra? Orgin name? Where is its location? What colour is it? What element is it associated with?
1) The root chakra (Muladhara)
What is a chakra?
is a spinning wheel or disk of energy or light that should stay “open” and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.
What is the second chakra?
Physical location?
- The sacral chakra (Svadhishthana)
- mid abdomen, a few inches below navel
- orange
- water
What is the third chakra?
Physical location?
- The solar plexus (Manipura)
- top of the abdomen
- yellow
- fire
What is the fourth chakra?
Physical location?
The heart (Anahata)
- Directly above the heart
- Green
- air
What is the fifth chakra?
The throat (vishuddha)
- mid throat
- blue
- ether
What is the sixth chakra?
Physical location?
The third eye (Ajna)
- Center of the brow
- Indigo
- light
What is the seventh chakra?
Physical location?
The Crown chakra (Sahasrara)
- crown of the head
- violet
- thought
How do you feel when your root chakra is balanced?
We will feel grounded and secure, both physically and emotionally.
What can cause a blocked root chakra?
It may be due to an immediate threat to your basic survival needs food, shelter, money.
the sacral chakra correspond with what organs? What does it represent?
It corresponds with our reproductive and sexual organs and represents fluidity, creativity fertility.
What physical ailments can a blocked root chakra cause?
arthritis, constipation, colon & bladder problems.
What physical ailments come from a blocked sacral chakra?
urinary tract infections, impotency, lower back pain
What aspects of ourselves is our sacral chakra connected to?
feelings of self-worth, and even more specifically, our self-worth around pleasure, sexuality, and creativity.
What physical ailments come from a blocked solar plexus chakra?
digestive issues like ulcers, heartburn, eating disorders,
What aspects of ourselves is our solar plexus chakra connected to?
it’s related to our personal power such as self-esteem and self-confidence.
What physical ailments come from a blocked heart chakra?
heart problems, asthma, and weight issues