Cite the 6 chain of infection
pathogen/ infectious agent,
portal exit,
mode of transmission,
portal of transmission,
portal entry,
susceptible host
Microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites, that can cause infectious disease.
pathogen/ infectious agent
The host in which infectious agents live, grow, and multiply.
Example: Humans, animals, and the environment.
Examples of this are a person with a common cold, a dog with rabies, or standing water with bacteria.
The route by which an infectious agent ESCAPES or leaves the reservoir.
Portal of Exit
In humans, it’s typically a mucous membrane or other opening in the skin
Portal of Exit
This is a chain of infection, for example, pathogens that cause respiratory diseases usually escape through a person’s nose or mouth.
Portal of Exit
The way in which an infectious agent travels to other people and places because they cannot travel on their own.
Mode of Transmission
This is a chain of infection which includes contact, droplet, or airborne transmission.
Mode of Transmission
This is a Mode of Transmission. For example, touching sheets with drainage from one person’s infected wound and then touching another person without washing one’s hands is an example of ?
contact transmission
Site the DIRECT Modes of Transport
contact (e.g., skin),
needlestick or sharps injury
Site the INDIRECT Modes of Transport
Fomites – contaminated equipment or medication (multidose vials, single dose vials),
How a pathogen moves from reservoir to susceptible host.
Mode of Transmission
The route by which an infectious agent ENTERS a new host.
Portal of Entry
An example of this is a chain of infection, mucous membranes, skin breakdown, and artificial openings in the skin created for the insertion of medical equipment (such as intravenous lines).
Portal of Entry
This is a chain of infection. A person is at elevated risk for developing an infection when exposed to an infectious agent due to changes in their immune system defenses.
Susceptible Host
An example of this is a chain of infection, infants (up to 2 years old) and older adults (aged 65 or older) are at higher risk for developing infections due to underdeveloped or weakened immune systems.
Susceptible Host
Anyone with chronic medical conditions (such as diabetes) are also at higher risk of developing an infection.
If an individual’s immune system successfully fights off the infectious agent, they may not develop an infection, but instead the person may become an asymptomatic ___ who can spread the infectious agent to another susceptible host.
“carrier” kaya mag-mask ka pa rin