Chain Of Command Flashcards
The President of the United States (The Commander in Chief of the United States)
The Honorable Donald J. Trump
The Vice President of the United States
The Honorable Michael R. Pence
The Secretary of Defense
The Honorable James N. Mattis
The Secretary of the Navy
The Honorable Richard V. Spencer
The Chief of Naval Operations
Admiral John M. Richardson
The Commander of Naval Education and Training Command
Rear Admiral Kyle J. Cozad
The Commander of Naval Service Training Command
Rear Admiral Michael D. Bernacchi
The Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Master Chief Steven S. Giordano
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
General Joseph F. Dunford
The Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps
Sergeant Major Ronald L. Green
The Commandant of the Marine Corps
General Robert B. Neller
The Area 10 Manager
Commander James (Mike) Hale
What job does the following person have:
The Honorable Donald J. Trump
The President of the United States (The Commander in Chief of the United States)
What job does the following person have:
The Honorable Michael R. Pence
The Vice President of the United States
What job does the following person have:
The Honorable James N. Mattis
The Secretary of Defense
What job does the following person have:
The Honorable Richard V. Spencer
The Secretary of the Navy
What job does the following person have:
Admiral John M. Richardson
The Chief of Naval Operations
What job does the following person have:
Rear Admiral Michael D. Bernacchi
The Commander of Naval Service Training Command
What job does the following person have:
Rear Admiral Kyle J. Cozad
The Commander of Naval Education and Training Command
What job does the following person have:
Master Chief Steven S. Giordano
The Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
What job does the following person have:
General Joseph F. Dunford
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
What job does the following person have:
Sergeant Major Ronald L. Green
The Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps
What job does the following person have:
General Robert B. Neller
The Commandant of the Marine Corps
What job does the following person have:
Commander James (Mike) Hale
The Area 10 Manager
The Secretary of State
The Honorable Mike R. Pompeo
The Speaker of the House
The Honorable Paul D. Ryan
The Governor of Texas
The Honorable Greg W. Abbott
The US State Senators of Texas
The Honorable Ted E. Cruz and the Honorable John Cornyn
What job does the following person have:
The Honorable Mike R. Pompeo
The Secretary of State
What job does the following person have:
The Honorable Paul D. Ryan
The Speaker of the House
What job does the following person have:
The Honorable Greg W. Abbott
The Governor of Texas
What job do the following people have:
The Honorable Ted E. Cruz and the Honorable John Cornyn
The US State Senators of Texas