CH8 Operating Procedures Flashcards
You are below CNR and during approach ATC advises RFFS has fallen to category 3.
OMA states: The commander may decide to land at an aerodrome regardless of RFFS category if it is considered safer to do so than to divert.
RFFS required for departure / destination?
RFFS category 6 is normally required.
RFFS category 5 may be permitted for certain aerodromes which experience low volumes of commercial traffic (OFP).
RFFS category 4 is permitted. Temporary downgrade notified by ATC, NOTAM, ATIS etc for a period of time not exceeding 72 hours.
Which altitude corrections are there?
- Low temperature corrections to be made when surface temp is -10 degrees or below.
- Pressure correction 30’ per hPA below 1013 hPA.
- Correction for terrain and wind.
What can be said about isolated aerodromes and easyJet operations.
Isolated aerodromes are not considered adequate for easyJet operations.
When is a take-of alternate required?
A take-off alternate is required when performance or meteorological conditions preclude a return to the departure aerodrome.
Need to consider one engine inoperative ops or dispatch under MEL conditions (CAT3A or no autoland).
Weather minima for a take-off alternate?
The applicable minima for the expected instrument approach e.g. 200m for a CAT3A approach.
Weather minima for destination?
The applicable minima for the expected instrument approach.
Take-off alternate shall be located within …
One hour still air flight time at the one engine inoperative cruising speed. OMB: Take-off alternates, if required, must be within 320NM.
Weather minima for the destination are forecast to be below the applicable minima for the expected instrument approach. Can you still dispatch?
Yes. You need two destination alternates with fuel for the furthest.
There is no meteorological information available for the destination. Can you still dispatch?
Yes. You need two destination alternates with fuel for the furthest.
Your destination has had some snowfall. The runways are contaminated and the landing performance requirements cannot be assured. Can you still dispatch?
Yes. You need two destination alternates with fuel for the furthest.
You have applicable minima and planning minima. How are they being applied?
Applicable minima –> Take-off alternate and destination.
Planning minima –> Destination alternate and ENR alternate aerodromes.
Ceiling shall be taken into account, in addition to RVR/visibility, for … and … approaches.
non-precision, circling
Planning minima?
CAT 2/3 —> CAT1 minima (RVR)
CAT 1 —> NPA minima (localizer only approach)
NPA —> NPA minima +200’ / 1000m
Circling —> Circling
You are payload/performance limited. What are your options?
Apply the alternative flight planning procedures:
1) Plan without a destination alternate (minimum additional fuel = holding for 15 min at 1500’ above AD elev. in ISA).
2) Reduction of contingency fuel to 3%.
You need to get a revised OFP
How many different aerodrome categories?
CAT A. Non-complex.
CAT B. Aerodrome briefing (CCI) or audio visual brief.
CAT B restricted. Specified restrictions.
CAT C. Special crew qualification required.
Passenger classification?
Adults: 12 years and above.
Children: 2 years and above but who are less than 12 years of age.
Infants: less than 2 years of age.
Dipsticks have to be used only in case of … failure.
FQI (dispatch under MEL)
Standard masses for crew members, passengers and baggage.
Flight crew 85 kg. Cabin crew 75 kg. Adults male 93 kg. Adults female 75 kg. Children 35 kg.
Baggage domestic 11 kg.
Baggage within EU 13 kg.
Weights used (guidance purposes) for guide/assistance dog or cello?
Guide/assistance dog = 35 kg
Cello = 10 kg
Why is it important not to print OFP’s too early?
OFPs may be altered by OCC without notification until thirty minutes prior to crew report. After this time, OCC will make positive contact with the flight crew to ensure that any amended OFPs are correctly retrieved.
When must you complete a journey log?
ACARS inop.
When commander’s discretion is used to extend FDP by more than 2 hours or to reduce minimum rest by more than 1 hour.
Absolute minimum RVR for take-off?
125/125/125. LIDO AOI (Airport Operational Information) might give take-off minima which are more restrictive (state minima).
Relevant RVR for take-off?
RVR for that part of the runway used to accelerate to V1 followed by a rejected take off and deceleration down to a speed of approximately 60 knots.