Ch.7 Flashcards
Define ethnicity
Identity with a group of people with the same cultural traditions of a particular homeland/hearth
Define race
Identity with a group of people who share a biological ancestor
Define racism
The belief that one race is superior to another
Name the three most numerous ethnicities in the U.S.
Asian American, African American, Hispanic American
What is the problem with the way the U.S. Census Bureau defines “Asian”?
Asian=Race Asian American=ethnicity
same group of people which includes Americans from many countries in Asia
What is the difference between African American and black?
Afr. Amer. is an ethnicity, Black is race
How does the U.S. Bureau consider Hispanic/Latino?
They divided it between Hispanic and Hispanic American
List examples of Afr.A and Hispanic Americans being more urbanized
90% of both ethnicities live in metropolitan areas compared to 75% of all Americans
Where are Hispanics clustered?
South West in New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, and Claifornia
Where are African Americans clustered?
Southeast in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, South Carolina, and Mississippi
Where are Asian Americans clustered?
West=40%, in Hawaii, 1/2 in California- 12% of the population
Forced Migration for Africans
Africans were forced out of their homes in Africa to become slaves in America- Jamestown, 1619
Interregional Migration for African Americans
1910+1920 A.A. moved to the North and West before and after WW1. 1940s+1950s: after WW2 migration to factories for more jobs
Intraregional Migration
A.A. went to the big cities and clustered in neighborhoods where small numbers of A.A. arrived in the nineteenth century. Known as ghettos
Define “White Flight”
Whites leaving their neighborhoods predicting that blacks would soon move in
Define “Blockbusting”
Real estate agents persuading whites who lived in or near a black area to sell their houses for low prices, saying that blacks would soon move in soon
Define “Separate but equal”
All public services were segregated although the different races were “still treated equally” (not)
Define apartheid
The physical separation of different races into geographic areas
Explain the key components of the apartheid system
A newborn baby was classified as black, white, colored or Asian, based race, people could work, live, and attend school in certain areas
1652 in South Africa
The apartheid system was created by the descendants of whites who arrived in South Africa from the Netherlands
1795 in South Africa
The British captured an controlled the Dutch colony and controlled South Africas gov.
1948 in South Africa
The Afrikaner dominated Nationalists Party won elections- the Afrikaners gained power
1991 in South Africa
The white-dominated gov. repealed the apartheid laws
1994 in South Africa
Nelson Mandela became the first black president, South Africans were allowed to vote for the first time
Define Nationality
Identity with a group of people who share legal attachment and personal allegiance to a particular country
Ethnicity v.s. Nationality
Ethnicity: Religion, language,+ material culture
U.S.=Distinct ancestry and cultural traditions
U.K.: Welsh, English, Irish, and Scots
Nationality: Voting, loyalty to country
Ethnicity v.s. Nationality in the U.K.
Ethnicity: The British Isles compromise of Rep. of Ireland; Welsh, Irish, Scots. British Nationality: Loyalty to country
Define Nationalism
Loyalty and devotion to a nationality
How do nations+states foster nationalism?
Promoting symbols of the country- flags and songs
Define centripetal forces
An attitude that tends to unify people and enhance support for a state
List the religions of Lebanon
Christians (Minerates), Sunnis, Shiites, Druze, and the Greek Orthodox
How did Lebanon’s 1943 constitution seek to solve the religion problem?
Each religion must be rep. in the Chamber of Deputies according to %. President: Maronite Christian. Premier: Sunni Muslim. Foreign Minister: Greek Orthodox Christian. Speaker of the chamber of deputies: Shiite Muslim
How has the make-up of the population changed since 1943? for Lebanon
Religious groups live in different regions of the country
What happened in 1975? How has it been resolved? for Lebanon
A civil war, each religious group formed a private army/militia
Ethnicities in Sri Lanka
Sinhalese: 74%, Language: Indo-European lan. Indo-Iranian branch. Religion: Buddhism. Located in Northern India to Southerns
Tamil: 16% Language: Dravidian fam. Religion: Hinduism
Located: Palkstrait from India northern India
How has violence between these two groups been suppressed during the past 300 years? in Sri Lanka
European control
What occurred in 1948? in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka gained its independence
Which group is unhappy? Why? in Sri Lanka
Tamil bc they feel like they are being discriminated bc the Sinhalese control most of the gov.
When the Birtish ended colonial control of South Asia in 1947, how was the region divided politically, an how was the region divided ethinically (religiously)
Politcally: India+ Pakistan- Hindu
Split by India- East+West Pakistan- Muslim
How many people found themselves on the “wrong side of the border” in the 1940s in India and Pakistan
17 million people
How many Muslims migrated from India to West Pakistan (Pakistan, today)?
6 million
How many Muslims migrated to East Pakistan (Bangladesh, today)
1 million
How many Hindus migrated from East and West Pakistan into India?
6 million from West 3.5 from East= 9.5 million in all
What happened to many of the refugees as they traveled? In India and Pakistan
They were usually killed by people from the rival religion, and were attacked by extremists (massacres)
Why is the region of Kashmir a problem?
Neither Pakistan nor India agreed on the location of the boundary separating the two countries
What are some of the issues that the Kurds suffer from?
They are split amongst several countries suffer from suppression of their culture by the Turks+unsuccessful rebellions, don’t have an independent state
Define ethnic cleansing
A more powerful ethnic group forcibly removes a less powerful one to create a homogeneous region
Ethnic Cleansing v.s. Normal warfare
Ethnic Cleansing: You remove every member of an ethnicity rather than simply trying to defeat an enemy
List the countries of the Balkan Pennisula
- Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Romania
Important facts about Yugoslavia
June 1914- heir to throne of Austria-Hungary was killed. Assassin= Serb wanted independence for Bosnia- Yugoslavia was created after WW1 to unite
Yugoslav refrain
Five Nationalities: Croats, Macedonians, Montenegrens, Serbs, Slovenes Four Languages: Croatian, Macedonian, Serbian Three religions: Roman Catholic=north, Orthodox= East Islam= South
Two alphabets= Croatian+Slovene
What ethno-political problems did the country face after the death of Tito in the 80s and the fall of Communism in the 90s?
Titos death= breakup of the country. 6 independent countries
Why did Serbs and Croats in Bosnia ethnically cleanse themselves of Bosnia Muslims?
Bosnian Muslims were considered an ethnicity not a nationality, Serbs+Croats fought to unite the areas of the republic that they inhabited w/t Serbia+Croatia
What was agreed upon at the accords signed between these rival ethnicities in Dayton, Ohio in 1996?
Divided Bosnia+Herzegovina into 3 regions- each dominated by the Bosnian Croats, Muslims, and Serbs
Croats+Muslims combined into a federation- Serb mostly acts independent from the others
Who got the best deal? Who got the worst? Explain
Best: Serbs, received almost 1/2 of the country-compromised 1/3 of the population
Worst: Muslims-1/2 of population received 1/4 of land
Croats: 1/4 of land, 1/6 of pop.
What country controlled Kosovo?
What ethnic group lives in Kosovo (and %)
Ethnic Albanians-90%
With the breakup of Yugoslavia, what began to happen in Kosovo?
Serbia took direct control, launched ethnic cleansing if the ethnic Albanians
How did the U.S. and U.N. respond?
Launched an air attack against Serbia
Define Balkanized
A small geographic area that could not successfully be organized into 1 or more stable states- inhabited ethnicities who hated each other
Define Balkanization
The process in which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethinicities - threat to peace throughout the world
If peace comes to the Balkan Peninsula in the next few years why will it be “in a tragic way” according to the author of the textbook
Bc ethnic cleansing has already done its job of killing many ethnicities Ethnic homogeneity may be the sad price of peace