Ch.6 General Anatomy Ans Physiology Flashcards
Study of structures of the human body that can be seen with the naked eye.
Study of the functions and activities performed by the body structures.
(microscopic anatomy) study of tiny structures found in living tissue.
Basic unit of all living things (from bacteria, plants, animals, humans)
*Responsible for carrying on all life processes.
Cells of all living things are composed of this substance. (colorless jellylike substance in which food elements such as proteins, fats, carbs, minerals, salts, and water are present. )
*visual= clear gel of raw egg
Cells structures include 5 things , what are they?
Organelle (small organ)
cell membrane
Dense, Active protoplasm found in the center of the cell. Important part of cell reporoduction.
*Visual=Yolk of raw egg
within the Nucleus of the cell, a fluid that contains proteins and an important acid known as Deoxyribonucleic aci (DNA).
*DNA is what determines our genetic makeup
Is all the protoplasm of a cell except that found in the nucleus. The watery fluid contians the food material necessary for cell growth, reproduction and self repair.
Cell membrane
Part of the cell that encloses the protoplasm.
*permits soluble substances to enter and leave.
T/F Cells have the ability to reproduce
True. Providing new cells for growth and replacement of worn or injured ones.
usual process of cell reproduction in human tissues that occurs when the cell divides into two identical cells called daughter cells.
Two small structire near the nucleus that move side to side during mitosis to help divide the cell.
chemical process that takes place in living organisms. Through this process, cells are nourished and carry out their activities.
How are the TWO phases pf metabolism carried out? (anabolism and Catabolism)
Simultaneously and continually within the cells
Constructive metabolism, The process of building up larger molecules from smaller ones.
*during this.. the body stores water, food, and oxygen for the times when these substances will be needed for cell growth and repair
The phase of metabolsim in which complex compounds withing the cells are broken down into smallerones.
*this process releases energy that is stores by special molecules to be used in muscle contractions, body secretions, or heat production
Collection of similar cells that perform a particular function.
*body tissues are composed of large amounts of water along with various other substances.
What are the 4 types of tissues in the Body?
Connective tissue
Epithelial tissue
muscle tissue
Nerve tissue
*Adipose tissue part of connective tissue
Connective tissue
Supports, protects, and binds together other tissues of the body. (Bone, cartilage, Ligaments, Tendons, Fascia (which seperates muscle) and fat (or Adipose tissue).
*collagen and elastin are protein fibers also located in the connective tissue.
Epithelial Tissue
Protective covering on body surfaces. Examples are skin, mucous membranes, the lining of the heart, digestive and respitory organs, and the glands.
Muscle Tissue
Contracts and moves the various parts of the body
Nerve tissue
Carries messages to and from the brain and controls and coordinates all bodily functions.
Nerve tissue is composed of special cells known as neurons, which make up the nerves, brain, and spinal cord.
Structures composed of specialized tissues designed to perform a specific function in plants and animals.
Body Systems (Systems)
groups of bodily organs acting together to perform one or more functions. Human body is composed of 11 major systems.
Skeletal System
Forms the physical foundation of the body.
*provides shape and form for our bodies in addition to supporting, protecting, allowing body movement, producing blood for the body, and storing minerals such as calsium carbonate and calcium phosphate.
Study of the anatomy, structure, and function og the bones.
How many bones form a rigid framework in a skeleton
Connection between 2 or more bones of the skeleton
*2 Types of joints: Movable, and immovable such as pelvis or skull.
How many bones does the /human head contain?
*Cranium AND Facial bones
Oval bony case that protects the brain, formed by 8 bones