Ch5: Church and the kingdom of God Flashcards
Gaudium et Spes 57
Christians, on pilgrimage toward the heavenly city, should seek and think of these things which are above.
Also connects to Christian’s lives
How many images in the stations of the cross
What does moving between the stations of the cross represent?
- Is a way to accompany Jesus on his last journey
- Is a way to share in Jesus’ suffering as a sign on gratitude
- Helps the person to stay focused on their prayers.
This is an example of Dramatised Prayer
What do Catholics believe life is?
A pilgrimage towards heaven.
Why is Jerusalem important as a pilgrimage destination? Why do Catholics go there?
- City where Jesus died
- Catholics can visit places connected to Jesus’ life.
- To share in Jesus’ suffering
- To renew their faith and commitment to Jesus
Why is Rome important as a pilgrimage destination? Why do Catholics go there?
- Centre of Catholic faith
- Where Pope lives
- Might visit Vatican or tomb of St Peter
- To show commitment to Catholic Church
- To show unity to Pope
Why is Lourdes important as a pilgrimage destination? Why do Catholics go there?
- St Bernadette saw vision of Mary
- Waters of spring are believed to have healing powers
- To be healed physically or spiritually by the waters
- To feel at peace in body and mind
Why is Walsingham important as a pilgrimage destination? Why do Catholics go there?
- Contains national Catholic shrine for England
- Catholics often walk in procession & may attend mass there.
- To go on pilgrimage without having to go abroad
- To spend time in prayer with other Catholics
- To make themselves more aware of their place in the church
How does Les miserables show Catholic attitude towards mission or evangelism?
- Show God’s love through doing good actions –> the bishop at the start forgives Valjean & this helpes him to become a better person.
- Missionaries hope that actions that express God’s love and forgiveness will have a real effect on the other people, influencing them to do good things in turn.
- Having the right attitude is more important to blindly following God’s law –> Valjean saves Javert’s life, and Javert finds he cannot arrest him. Javert saves him from prison.
- Showing Love, kindness, and forgiveness are sometimes more important in missionary work that following the rules.
Last point could possibly be linked to Judaism- Pikuach Nefesh priority.
How does The Mission show Catholic attitude towards mission or evangelism?
- Mission and evangelism require total commitment to God –> Priests stay to defend natives.
- Missionaries and evangelists may face hardships but these should not lessen their commitment.
- Sometimes goodness may involve ignoring church law.
Inter mirifica 14
Film quote
“The production and showing of films that have value…ought to be encouraged”
I___ M___ ___?
Kingdom of God timeline
- Began when Jesus was born
- Established through Jesus’ resurrection & coming of Holy Spirit
- Extended by Chritsians who form & help to spread the KoG on Earth
- Completed at the end of time
5 key points in the ‘Our Father’
- “Our Father…”: Jesus wants all people to be able to call God their ‘father’
- “thy kingdom come”: Prayer for God’s Kingdom to come
- “thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven: When everyone does the will of God, the Kingdom will be fully established.
- “Give us this day our daily bread”: asking God to provide basics needed to survive so people can focus on God, making the kingdom grow.
- “Deliver us from evil”: Prayer to resist temptation which will make the kingdom grow as more people choose to accpet God.
What does the KoG require?
3 things
Justice, Peace, reconciliation
4 things + Quote
- “Goods created by God should, in fact, reach everyone” (CCC 2459)
- Respects dignity
- Treat all people fairly
- Recognise that all people are created & loved by God
- Ensure all have access to basic human rights.
5 things
- Is believed to come from a person’s heart
- Requires people to accept rights of every individual
- Removal of tensions caused by suspicion, resentment ect.
- Flows from justice- No justice, No peace
- State of total trust & unity between all people
4 things
- Brings together people who have broken apart- think of ‘The Prodigal Son’
- Relies on acceptance & empathy
- restores damaged relationships
- Requires people to learn from the past & work together
Heirarchy of the Church
- laity
- Decons (Help priests & Preach Word of God)
- Priests (Administer sacraments & preach WoG, responsible for a parish)
- Bishops (Successors to the apostles, responsible for a dioscese)
- Cardinals (Appointed by Pope, elect his successor)
- Pope
WoG =Word of God.
Vatical II Council: The documents
(Second vatical council)
Dei Verbum
Lumen Gentium
Sacrosanctum Concilium
Gaudium et Spes
Dei Verbum
Document in Vatican II Council
Deals with importance & interpretation of Bible
Stresses that the Bible IS the Word of God, but should not be read literally.
lumen Gentium
Document in Vatican II Council
Deals with nature and structure of the church
Stresses ALL members of chuch have important roles
Emphasises idea of a pilgrim church moving forwards in a modern society
Sacrosanctum Concilium
Deals with liturgy and church services
Emphasises people should be able to take full part in the worship of God
Allows Catholics to hear mass in their own language
Gaudium et Spes
Deals with issues related to modern society
Stresses that the church should not be seperate from modern society, but should guide people on how to live in the modern world.
What qualities does Mary show in the Magnificat?
Humulity (She is special “Lowliness of His servant”)
She praises God’s greatness (“My soul magnifies the Lord”)
Shows acceptance of God’s will (She is the mother of Jeses)
Trust (Trusted God to protect her as apregnant, unmarried woman)
Two contrasting views about the magnificat?
- Some think that the Magnificat supports those who are rebelling against their governments through encouraging the weak and poor to rise up against those in power & spread the KoG on Earth.
- Others think the prayer shows that God supports the weak and helpless, & those that trust in God will be saved
“He has filled the starving with good things, and sent the rich away empty”
4 marks of the church
One (“May all be one” John 17)
Catholic (Beliefs are universal)
Holy (Church is guided through baptism)
Apostolic (Church’s teachings are built on the teaching of the 12 apostles)
What are the Pope and Bishops descended from?
Bishops- Disciples
Pope- peter
Authority of Bishops + Pope known as?
Can the Pope ever be wrong?
No, when he makes an official declaration of an official doctrine of the church, he it NOT.
How is the church Conciliar?
4 things
- Councils (Pope + Bishops) are sometimes held
- These help the Pope discuss difficult issues with other Church members & to understand the feeling of the Catholic community.
- Councils influence the teachings & direction of the church
- Councils express the voice of the whole church
How is the church Pontifical?
5 things
- Pope is the leader of the church
- This highest authority has been passed down over generations by Peter (Who was chosen by Jesus to lead the apostles)
- This makes Pope representative of Christ on Earth
- Pope’s teachings must be taken seriously & can be declared infalliable (without error)
- Decisions of council have no authority until Papal approval.
Catholic social teachings
5 of these.
- Believes God loves all people
- Acknowledges that people are vitally important to its existence
- Recognises the importance of helping to support the weakest and poorest members of society, so all can be equal. (G et S 21!)
- Against economic exploitation & a cuture of greed.
- Catholics should do what they can to help and support the weakest and poorest members of society.
Gaudium et spes 21
Can be used for SO MANY THINGS e.g. charity, or stewardship.
“all men…ought to work for the rightful betterment of this world in which all alike live”
G—-e—–S—– – ?
Gaudium et spes 21
Can be used for SO MANY THINGS e.g. charity, or stewardship.
“all men…ought to work for the rightful betterment of this world in which all alike live”
G—-e—–S—– – ?
What does SVP do?
SVP is —– as opposed to CAFOD, which is —–
- Visit people in need e.g. care homes, hospitals, prisons.
- Helps people with practical needs e.g. shopping or household chores
- Run projects to help the local community e.g. summer camps for children, or collecting food the homeless.
“Love your neighbour”
What does CAFOD do?
CAFOD is —– as opposed to SVP, which is —–
- Provide emergency aid in overseas places where natural disasters or war has taken place. e.g. providing communities with farming equipment
- Challenge national & international laws & policies that hurt those living in poverty. e.g. campaigning against inequality policies
- Provide legal assistance to people who are being threatened by the actions of national & international companies e.g. farmers who are in danger of losing their land.
“Love your neighbour”
What are the kingdom values?
- Values God wants people in his kingdom to show in their lives.
- For Christians, Jesus gave the best example of how to live according to the Kingdom values.
- Some are expressed in the beatitudes.
6 Examples of Kingdom values
Desire for Peace
Obedience to God
How doees becoming a priest (ordination) show Kingdom values?
- Priests take vow of Celibacy (No marriage or sex), commiting themselves to God.
- Like Jesus, a prieest serves others.
- Priests take a promise of obedience to their Bishop, obeying the voice of God.
How does family life show kingdom values?
- Love each other
- Catholic parents try to show Kingdom values in their relationship
- They also aim to try to teach their children about the kingdom values which helps spread the KoG on Earth.
How does becoming a religious show the Kingdom values?
- Religious take vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
- Simple lives, dedicated to praying & serving others.
- Start & end each day with prayer.
- May take on roles such as teachers or nurses to show love through helping each other.
- Through care & commitment they show the Kingdom values.
How has Pope Francis shown the Kingdom values?
- He increased the number of priests working among the poor in Buenos Aires when he was Archbishop.
- Sets a good example which inspires others to live more simply- he lives in a small, modest flat.
- He criticises economic policies that lead to inequality and exploitation
How has Pope Francis shown the Kingdom values?
- Played a major role in restoring relations between Cuba & USA in 2014-15.
- He brings together country leaders that have been at war with each other e.g. he met & prayed with Palestinian & Israeli presidents.
- He uses his public addresses to pray for peace.
How has Pope Francis shown the Kingdom values?
- Every Maundy thursday he washes the feet of 12 prisoners, including Muslims.
- He has visited areas of tension in the world, trying to restore harmony.
- He has helped reconcile some of the tensions between Muslims, Jews & Christians e.g. when he was an archbishop he arranged services in his cathedral where Muslim and Jewish leaders could pray together with him.