ch.5 Flashcards
why do arrhythmias happen?
Hypoxia (low O2)
Ischemia (lack of blood flow)
Sympathetic stim
Electrolyte disturbances
Myocardial stretch
Wandering Atrial Pacemaker
what is a WAP?
- pacemaker activity WANDERS from SA Node to Atrial Automaticity Foci
- VARIATION shape of P wave
- HR within normal range (60-100 BPM)
- P prime or P’
Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia
what is MAT?
- seen in ppl with COPD
- HR >100
- P’ waves of VARIOUS shapes
- 3 or more atrial foci
- associated with Digitalis Toxicity
Atrial Flutter
- SINGLE strong automaticity foci
- 250-350 cycles per min
- consistent # of P waves before QRS
- 2 P waves to 1 QRS
- R to R evenly spaced out
- HR 60-100 BPM
Atrial Fibrillation
- quivering/shaking
- irregular ventricular rhythm
- MULTIPLE atrial automaticity foci fire
- 0 observable P waves
- no full contraction
- random, no consistent R-R int
T/F: If one lead is atrial flutter, then all leads have atrial flutter?
True. It is the same heart
Escape Rhythm
- automaticity foci escapes overdrive
suppression to pace (any random) - atrial, junctional, ventricular
Escape beat
- happens once
- emit one beat
Sinus Arrest
- SA node stops pace
- Sick Sinus Syndrome (S.S.S.)
- SA node doesn’t consistently work
- Atrial Escape Rhythm
- Atrial foci take over
- 60-80 BPM
- P’ waves not identical to P waves
Atrial Escape Rhythm
- Atrial foci take over
- 60-80 BPM
- P’ waves not identical to P waves
- P’ are identical
- flat line then escape beat/rhythm
T/F: You can tell the difference between a sinus arrest and a sinus block on EKG?
No. looks the same with a long pause/break between
Sinus Block
- Normal sinus rhythm (NSR)
- pause in pacing
- atrial automaticity foci escapes overdrive suppression and takes over pacing
- escape beat
Junctional Escape Rhythm
- between atria and ventricles
- absent pacing from above (Sinus arrest)
- 40-60 bpm (lower HR)
- 0 P wave or inverted P wave
- still a rhythm, R-R consistent
- junctional automaticity foci escapes to pace
T/F: In a junctional escape rhythm, the wave of depolarization is going in the opposite direction?
(AV) Junctional Escape Beat
- misses ONE cycle
- transient block at SA node
- may produce retrograde (upside down) atrial depolarization
ventricular escape rhythm
- ventricular automaticity foci not stimulated from above
- purkinje fibers not stim
- 20-40 cycles per min
- doesn’t last long
- total failure of all automaticity foci above
- complete conduction block (atria to ventricles)
T/F: In order to be a rhythm, there has to be back to back consistent rhythms
Ventricular escape beat
- severe
- WIDE QRS complex (from ventricles)
- may not have a P wave
- autonomic/ parasympathetic stim