Ch4/w4 Flashcards
compoennts of relational model
data strcutue
data manipulation
data integrity
data strcurue
tables & keys
data manipulation
what are the sql operations to retrieve or modofy data
data integirty
mechanisms for implementing business rules that maintain integrity of data
whaat is a relation
named 2D data!
rows (Records) columns(Attributes/fields)
domain constraints
constrain allowable value for an attribute
entity integ constraitns
all PK not Null and unique
referential integrity constirans
rules that maintian consitency between the rows of 2 related tables
what is referential integirty
if a FK is not null, then the insance it poitns to MUST exist
3 approaches to ref integ
1, restrict: dont allow parent side if related drows exist inn dep side
2. cascade: auto delete dep that corespon with parent to be deleted
3. set to null: set fk to null if parent side deleted
how ar eref integrity constraints dwan?
Binary relations mapping
1:M: pk on one side becomes fk on nany side
1:1 pk on mandatory becomes fk on optional
m:n: create a new relation with pk of 2 ents as pk
associate ents mapping
- id not assigned
- id assigned
not assigned: Def PK for the association relation is pk of 2 ents
assigned: natural and pfamiliar to end users
Unary relationships
1:M- recursive fk in the same relation
M:M one for ent type on eofor associative relation in which the PK has 2 attributes
mpaping ternanry
associate ent has a fk to each ent in relatioship