Ch4 Test 4 Flashcards
•The term for bone formation by osteoblast cell
•reabsorbs bone removes bone from diaphysis
•The term for bone destruction by osteoclasts
At what age does bone loss exceed bone gain
•40 years old
•produces new bone
Transitional vertebra
- A vertebra that has characteristics of two different types of vertebra
- congenital diseases
Transitional vertebra; location, radiographic appearance
- lumbarsacral junction
* expanded transverse process
Posterior defect of the spinal canal
•spina bifida
Splitting of the bony neural canal at L5 or S1
•spina bifida occulta (hidden)
Spinal bifida; radiographic appearance
- increase interpedicular distance
- boney defects
- absence of the laminae
- MRI presence of spinal cord/nerve roots with in herniated sac
Spinal bifida; treatment
•folic acid supplements during pregnancy
Epiphyseal cartilage
- between the epiphysis & diaphysis
- growth plate found on long bones
- mostly on children & adolescents
- type of spina bifida
* herniation of the meninges
______ also known as marble bones “chalk”
- herniation of
* meninges or nerve roots
results from diminished proliferation of the growth plate
•achondroplasia (common in dwarfs)
Where the diaphysis meets the epiphyseal growth plate
Osteogenesis imperfecta treatment
- cast/brace
* rods for long bones
Spina bifida location
•entire vertebrae
Continuously resorbs old bone & produces new bone until adults
- osteoblasts
* osteoclasts
This disease often lead to pt with unusual blue color of the sclera of the eye
•osteogenesis imperfecta
Osteopetrosis location
•entire skeleton
Chiari II Malformation is associated with
- hereditary disease
- prevents bone marrow to form
- bone becomes very brittle
Brittle bones often characterized by multiple fractures
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Osteopetrosis; radiographic appearance/technique
- increase in bone density
* increase technique
Osteopetrosis; treatment
•no treatment
Most common infectious arthritis
•migratory arthritis from Lyme disease
Under the microscope the matrix of the bone consists of complex structure called
•haversian system
Osteopetrosis congenital or hereditary
Stress factor often occur for this disease/ PT. often becomes anemic
Osteogenesis imperfecta location
•long bones
This disease is inherited pt generally wheelchair bound because of the skeletal unable to support body wt due to insufficient collagen in the bone
•osteogenesis imperfecta
Osteogenesis imperfecta radiographic appearance/ technique
- fractures
- cortical density
- low kVp
Wormian bones
- Associated with osteogenesis imperfecta in the skull widening the sutures
- producing mosaic appearances
The end of a long bone is known as
Congenital hip dysplasia results from
•incomplete acetabulum formation
Hip dysplasia radiographic appearance
•AP/frog dislocation
Hip dysplasia treatment
•immobilization by harness/casting
Rheumatoid arthritis
•chronic disease of unknown cause usually occurring in small joints of hands & feet
Rheumatoid arthritis radiographic appearance
- tissue swelling
* joint destruction
Osteoarthritis location
- wt bearing joints
- spine
- knee
- ankle
Osteoarthritis radiographic appearance
- narrowing joint spaces
* bony spurs
Loss of joint cartilage & reactive new bone formation
•associated with osteoarthritis bony spur
Shaft of the long bone known as
What Pathology is present if the posterior element of one or more vertebrae fail to unite
•Spina Bifida
Infectious arthritis location
•any joint
Pyogenic (pus)in the joint is associated with
•infectious arthritis
Disease causing “frozen joints” due to joint limitations
Treatment for arthritis
Women are affected 3X more than men at the average age of 40 is associated with
•rheumatoid arthritis
Lack of vitamin D in infants/children can cause
This disease is common during complication of intravenous drug abuse
•bacterial osteomyelitis
Infectious arthritis treatment
•inflammation of small fluid filled sac near the joint reduces friction
Bursitis most commonly found in
Bursitis treatment
- heat
- rest
- immobilization
- anti-inflammatory
Radiographic appearance for ______ is Ragged moth eating appearance
•Bacterial osteomyelitis
Fusiform, periatricular soft tissue swelling caused by joint effusion & hyperplastic synovial inflammation
•rheumatoid arthritis
Modality of choice For detecting Rotator cuff disorder
Bacterial Osteomyelitis location for child & adult
•bones with rich red marrow like long bones (metaphysis)
Bacterial osteomyelitis
- inflammation of the bone marrow
* caused by infection
Staphylococci & streptococci causes osteitis & myelitis is common for what disease
•Bacterial osteomyelitis
Degenerative arthritis
Disorder of metabolism causing increase blood level of Uric acid
Best modality for osteomyelitis
•bone scanning
Infectious arthritis organism may gain entry into joints by
•hematogenous rout
Osteomyelitis is not evident on xray until ____ days
•10 days
Resorbing bone cell enlarging the diameter of medullary cavity
Deposit of uric acid in the joint
Abnormal decrease in bone density due to lack of calcium deposits
Loss of bone mass, deficiency of bone matrix in entire skeleton (accelerated bone resorption)
Caused by vitamin deficiency in children
•rheumatoid arthritis
•infectious arthritis
•rheumatoid arthritis
Best modality to diagnose osteomyelitis involving the spine
Cervical rib
- may compress brachial nerve plexus
* requiring surgical removal
Pott’s disease
- tuberculosis of the spine
* associated with tuberculous osteomyelitis
Tuberculous osteomyelitis location
•vertebra T/L spine
Radiographic appearance: lyric lesion without periosteal elevation, collapse vertebra with kyphosis
•tuberculous osteomyelitis
Common arthritis of normal wear & tear