CH4 : Materiality and Audit Risk Flashcards
What is materiality ?
- Any misstatements including omissions are considered material if they could individually or in aggregate influence the economic decisions of the users taken on the basis of the F.S.
- It is the auditor’s professional judgement to determine the materiality level
What is planning materiality ?
-The materiality level set during the planning stage of the audit.
Items material by nature are :
- Director’s remuneration
- Related party transaction
- any items that can turn a profit into loss
What are related party transactions ?
- A related party transaction is where the entity shares a transaction with the following : # A subsidiary or parent # An associate # with an entity where common control is shared # key mgmt. personnel
Materiality benchmark for revenue :
1/2 % - 1%
Materiality benchmark for profit before tax :
5% -10 %
Materiality benchmark for total assets :
issue with planning materiality
- This level of materiality is set during the planning stage using forecasted F.S profit, revenue and total assets. Hence, the final F.S profit, revenue and total assets could be significantly different and could vary from the forecasted F.S figures.
- Thus, as new evidence is obtained the planning materiality should be revised and the reasons and justifications for revising those changes must be documented.
What is performance materiality and its purpose ?
- Performance materiality is set at a lower level than overall materiality.
- It is used to test individual accounts, balances, disclosures and transactions
- Its aim is to reduce risk of total errors in individual accounts, balances, disclosures and transactions in total should not exceed the overall materiality.
What to document about materiality?
- Performance materiality
- Materiality for the F.S
- How was materiality determined
- Was materiality reviewed on a periodic basis ?
- Was materiality revised , if yes then what is the revised materiality ?
Audit risk
- Risk of issuing the wrong audit opinion
- A.R = ( I.R * C.R) * D.R
Inherent risk
- The risk that arises when an entity fails to comply with accounting standards while preparing the F.S.
- The susceptibility of an account or a transaction that contains a misstatement either individually or in aggregate before considering any related controls.
Control risk
- Risk of entity’s internal controls failing to prevent, detect and correct any material misstatements in the F.S
Detection risk
- Under the control of the auditor.
- Risk of performing insufficient audit procedures to reduce the audit risk to an acceptably low level , resulting in the auditor being unable to detect any misstatement which exists and could be material either individually or in aggregate with other misstatements.
Types of risks which lead to detection risk
# Sampling risk # Non-sampling risk
Sampling risk
- Risk arising from the sample selected by the auditor where samples are not representative of the population.
Non-sampling risk
-Any risk arising that but it is not because of sample selection.
Why non-sampling risk arises ?
- If it’s a new client then there is high risk as team is unfamiliar with the entity and its nature of operations.
- It’s a time pressurised audit
- Incompetent and less experienced team members
- Lack of industry knowledge
ROMM for client
When I.R goes UP and C.R goes UP and D.R goes DOWN then materiality benchmark is low.
Analytical review
-Evaluation of financial information by analysing the relationship between the financial and non-financial information and identifying any significant fluctuations and inconsistencies and investigating them
When is analytical review not suitable ?
- If it’s the first year of business
- Business is under liquidation.
- Significant change in the nature and size of the business
- Significant one-off transactions such as a business has been acquired or merged with another entity.
- Application of new financial reporting framework
Suitability of analytical review
# When data is reliable: the internal control system is strong so the data produced is reliable to use. # It can be used on the whole F.S and not suitable to use on individual accounts, balances and disclosures : not good fo accuracy # It is suitable to us if the acceptable variation between figures is below the overall materiality. but if the variation is above overall materiality then ned to carry ou further more procedures.
An intentional act using deception to gain an unjust and illegal advantage.
Kinds of fraud
# Misappropriation of assets # financial reporting framework fraud
Misappropriation of assets
# This includes theft of the company's assets and property. #Use of company's assets for personal use without seeking company's permission
Financial reporting framework fraud
Involves manipulation of figures to overstate assets and income and understate liabilities and expenses.
Responsibilities of mgmt. in relation to fraud
# To be aware of the potential for fraud # To incorporate the potential for fraud in corporate governance and internal controls # if req. to have an audit committee, have the audit committee review whether procedures work effectively from a fraud viewpoint. # Implement an effective system of internal controls
Responsibilities of external auditors in relation to fraud
# Discuss the risk of fraud with TCWG, mgmt. and internal audit dept. # Report any suspicions of fraud to TCWG or 3rd parties like regulators # Maintain always an attitude of professional scepticism. #Plan, design and perform work to prevent and detect any material fraud.
obtain reasonable assurance that F.S is free from material misstatement.
Responsibilities of mgmt. in relation to laws and regulations
# Ensure the entity is aware of all relevant laws and regulations. # Ensure that the entity has controls in place for compliance with laws and regulations.
Responsibilities of external auditors in relation to law and regulations
# Understand all rules and regulations affecting the client's business. #Discuss the risk of non-compliance with the law with TCWG, mgmt. and internal audit dept. #Plan, design and perform procedures to detect non-compliance #Report non-compliance to TCWG or 3rd parties. #Inspect correspondence from lawyers
What to do if audit risk is high ?
- Assign more skilled and experienced team members to the risky areas of the audit.
- Increase Y/E testing.
- Increase sample size
- Emphasise more substantive procedures
- Increase supervision levels