Ch.39 Lower Extremity Flashcards
Intrinsic factors that lead to stress fx
Poor dietary habits, altered menstration, biomechanic ABN
Extrinsic factors that lead to stress fx
Hard training surfaces, training erros, improper footwear/insoles
What is the female athlete triad?
Disordered eating, amenorrhea and low bone density
A rigid pes cavus food can lead to __.
less shock absorption after heel strike
Pes planus foot does not allow ___.
Imaging of choice for stress fx
Problem w/ using bone scan to evaluate stress fx
May remain positive after sx resolve
What can inhibit repair of stress fx?
NSAIDs may reduce bone remodeling
Femoral neck stress fx that require surgery
Lateral side, fx line >50% width of neck
Tx of femoral neck stress fx <50% of neck width
Strict non-wt bearing for 4-6 weeks followed by progressive wt bearing rehab for 4-8 weeks
Causes of AVN
steroids, alcohol abuse, diabetes, lupus, sickle cell anemia
When is surgery indicated in AVN?
Joint collapse> joint replacement
MC location affected by AVN
femoral head
What is Legg-Calve-Perthes dz?
Idipathic osteonecrosis of femoral head in children
MC affected by Legg-Calve-Perthes
Boys 4-8 yo
Hx of Legg-Calve-Perthes
Limping, restricted hip abduction, groin pain
Tx of Legg-Calve-Perthes
Observation in abduction brace <6 yo; Osteotomy in older children
What is the MC hip disorder in adolescents?
Slipped capiral femoral epiphysis
What is Slipped capiral femoral epiphysis?
Injury to physeal plate of proximal femur w/ medial displacement of femoral head relative to shaft
Who is affected by SCFE?
overweight boys <11 yoand girls <9 yo; hypothyroid and renal osteodystrophy
SCFE is bilateral ___ of the time
Hx of SCFE
painful limp, leg held in flexion & ER
Tx of non-mild SCFE
Closed or open reduction; restricted wt bearin for 4-6 wks
How will a pt w/ posterior hip dislocation hold their leg?
Flexion, IR, ADDuction
How will a pt w/ anterior hip dislocation hold their leg?
Extended, , ER, ABDucted
MC direction of hip dislocation
Tx of hip dislocation
Emergent reduction under anesthesia, non-wt bearing for 3-4 wks, then protected wt bearinf ro 3 wks
Hx of acetabular labral tears
Painful catching of hip in a particular angle
Imaging of choice for acetabular labral tears
MR arthrography w/ gadolinium contrast
Tx of acetabular labral tears
Relative rest, steroid injection, athroscopic surgery
What is Femoracetabular Impingement syndrome?
Contact b/w boney prominences limiting ROM
What is Pincer impingement?
Acetabular cause of impingement, overcoverage of femoral head
Whatis Cam impingement?
Femoral cause of impingement, aspherial portion of femoral head-neck junction
Hx of Athletic pubalgia or Sportsman’s hernia
Pain in lower abd and groin
Pain generators in Athletic pubalgia or Sportsman’s hernia
Lower abd muscles enar superior pubic ramus, strain of hip flexors/adductors or stress fx of pubic rami/symphysitis
Tx of Athletic pubalgia or Sportsman’s hernia
Strengthen abd muscles & hip girdle flexibility
What can be avulused w/ forceful contraction of rectus femoris?
Tx of Rectus femoris avulusion
Ice, rest, gentle ROM & exercise as tolerated
What 2 muscles insert into the ITB band?
Gluteus maximus & tensor fascia lata
Where does the ITB insert?
Gerdy’s tubercle on anteriorlateral tibia
What imablance is seen in trochanter bursitis?
Gluteus maximus weakness & tensor fascia lata tightness
What is lateral snapping hip syndrome?
Audible snap as ITB band rubs over greater trochanter
What is internal snapping hip due to?
Iliopsoas tendon rubbing over iliopectineal eminence or femoral head
Thigh muscles strains MC in what kind of training?
Ballistic: power training where pt accelerates wt lifting & lowers wt suddenly (kettle bell swings)
When do hamstring strains occur?
forceful eccentric contraction at full flexion/extension when muscle at mech disadvantage
PE of hamstring strain
Pain w/ passive stretch, resistance or palpation over defect, bruising distal to site of injury
Rehab of hamstring strain
relative rest, gentle progressive ROM & stregthening, ballistic & sport specific exercises
MC group for ishcial avlusion fx
15-25 yo; gymnasts, hurdlers, dance
Hx of ischial avulsion fx
Sudden onset of pain at ischial site after forceful hamstring contraction w/ hip in full flexion & knee extension
MC location of adductor muscle strain
Close to origin at inferior pubic ramus
MC activities w/ adductor muscle strain
Soccer, hockey and skiing
MC invovled muscle in adductor strain
Adductor longus
Sartorius muscle strain can cause an avulsion at __.
ASIS origin
What is myositis ossificans?
calcific transformation of intramuscular hematoma
MC location for myositis ossificans
What should be avoided in the first few days of intramuscular contusion?
ASA & antiinflammatory meds as they can increase bleeding
What is the MCC of knee pain in younger pts?
Patellofemoral pain syndrome
Causes of ABN patellar tracking in trochlear groove
Tight quads, tight TIB, pes planus w/ tibial IR, weak hip ER/ABDuctors
PE of patellofemoral pain syndrome
tenderness to medial/lateral aspects of patella, apprehension of gliding patella and weak single leg squat
What is Sinding-Larsen-Johansson disease?
Pain at proximal patellar tendon at inferior pole of patella assoicated w/ swelling in 10-14 yo
Tx of patellofemoral pain syndrome
activity modification, closed chain quad exercises at 0-30 deg, lower limb flexibility, and hip/core strenghtening
What is Osteochondritis dissecans?
Lesion of subchondral bone w/or w/o cartilage involvement
MC site for Osteochondritis dissecans
Inferior portion of medial femoral condyle
PE of Osteochondritis dissecans
focal pain & swellling w/ activity that lessens w/ rest and mechanical sx
MOI of acute meiscual tear
Sudden forceful twisting motion on a planted foot
What does locking of the knee suggest?
Bucket handle meniscus tear that has flipped into intercondylar notch
Hx of meniscal injury
Slow onset swelling, pain w/ wt bearing & twisting, clicking in knee
PE of meniscal injury
Medial or lateral joint line tenderness, effusion, + McMurrays
Image of choice for meniscal injury
Best prognosis of meniscal tears
Simple>complex, Outer (vascularized)>Inner(nonvascularized)
When to refer for surgery for meniscal tear
limited function, persistent mechanical sx, recurrent pain & swelling, elite athletes who need to return to activity quickly
MC injured knee ligaments
Describe course of MCL
Medial femoral condyl to proximal medial tibia; provides resistance against valgus force
MOI of MCL sprain
sudden valgus force w/ foot planted
Tx of MCL sprain
Immobilizer 1-2 wks w/ early gentle knee flex/ext, gradual return to full activies over 1-4 wks
Describe course of ACL
Medial wall of lateral femoral condyle anteromedially to anterior spine of tibial plateau
What does the ACL prevent?
Anterior displacement of tibia relative to femur
MOI of ACL tear
Rotation on a planted foot w/ knee in flexion & activated quads
Hx of ACL tear
Feeling pop, effusion, sense of unstable knee
What is a Segond fx?
small capsular avulusion fx of lateral tibial plateau pathognomic of ACL tear
What muscle can be inhibited due to ACL tear?
Tx of ACL tear
Knee immobilizer/hingebrace, ROM, quad strengthening, reconstruction after 1-2 wks to allow swelling to decrease, functional knee brace w/ activity if no surgery
Describe course of PCL
Posteriorly & inferiorly from femoral intercondylar knotch to posterior tibial spine
What does the PCL prevent?
Posterior displacement of tibia relative to femur
MOI of PCL injury
Forceful blow to proximal, anterior leg driving tibia posterior to femur
Describe course of LCL
lateral femoral condyle to fibular head
What does the LCL prevent?
Varus froces at the knee
What can be injured in the posterolateral corner of the knee?
LCL, politeus tendon, peroneal nerve, posterolateral joint capsule, biceps femoris tedon, lateral head of gastroc, lateral meniscus, posterior meniscofemoral ligament
Tx of prepatellar bursitis
Ice, compression, NSAIDs & avoiding kneelinig
What inserts in the Pes Anserine?
Sartorius, gracilis, semitedninosus insert at proximal anterior tibia
Hx of Pes Anserine bursitis/tendonitis
Pain in region of Pes Anserine
What are biomechanical deficits associated w/ Pes Anserine inflammation?
Weak core, medial hamstrins & hip adductors
Hx of patellar tendionpathy/Jumper’s knee
pain alone patellar tendon, usually at inferior pole of patella
Risk of developing patellar tendonopathy
Overloaded, repetitive knee flex/ext activities
What are the biomechanic deficits associated w/ patellar tendonopathy?
poor lumbar/hip extensor/ankle dorsiflexion activation
Tx of patellar tendonpathy
NSAID, ice, cross-friction masage, quad stretching, “Cho-Pat” strap
Hx of Osgood-Schlatter dz
Adolescent w/ pain at tibial tuberostiy exacerbated w/ activites & direct contact
Radiographic hallmark of Osgood-Schlatter dz
Irregularity and fragmentation of the tibial tuberosity
Radiographic hallmark of Sinding-Larsen-Johansson dz
Irregularity and fragmentation at origin of patellar tendon at inferior pole of patella
Tx of Osgood-Schlatter dz & Singding-Larsen-Johansson dz
Rest, Ice, quad stretch/strengthening, activity modification
Hx of Quadriceps/patellar tendon rupture
Forceful quad contraction w/ foot planted
PE of Quadriceps/patellar tendon rupture
Anterior knee swelling, palpable defect at proximal or distal patella, pt unable to extend knee
Tx of Quadriceps/patellar tendon rupture
Acutely placted in knee immobilize, NWB w/ crutches, surgical repair w/in a few days
What is the “dreaded black line”?
tension-type stress fx of anterior cortex of middle 1/3 of tibia
What is the risk of complete fx if activity is continued w/ tibial stress fx?
Tx of tibial fx
activity modification, pneumatic leg splints, IM fixation
PE of chronic Achilles tendonopathy
Swollen, nodular, tender Achilles tendon
Tx of Achilles tendonopathy
ICE, NSAIDs, activity modifcation, stretching & strengthening
What can toe running cause?
place excessive eccentric demands on ankle plantor flexors
Rehab for Achilles tendonopathy
Eccentric strengthening
MOI of Achilles tendon rupture
Sudden, powerful eccentric force usually during ballistic sport
Hx of Achilles tendon rupture
Audible pop, feel as they were kicked in the calf
Tx of Achilles tendon rupture
Surgical reconstruction, immobilization up to 3 mo & aggressive rehab
What is the function of tibialis posterior?
Ankle inverter, weak plantor flexor, supoorts medial longitudinal arch
What is associated w/ posterior tibialis dysfxn?
pes planus, calcaneal eversion, RA
How can you assess tibialis posterior?
Resistance test of ankle inversion w/ plantar flexion, viewing calcaneal motion from behind as pt performs slow heel raises
A normally functioning tibialis posterior will allow the calcaneus to ___.
Rise in line w/ the leg or slight calcaneal varus
Dyfxn of tibialis posterior allows the calcaneus to __
Rise in valgus
What is shin splints?
Medial tibial stress syndrome
Hx of medial tibial stress syndrome
Pain along medial &/or posteromedial border of tibia w/ rapid increase in activity
What can cause excessive eccentric overload to ankle plantar flexors?
Toe walker or toe runner
Tx of medial tibial stress syndrome
Ice, activity modification, tibialis posterior strengthening, foot orthoses for pes planus foot
What is compartment syndrome?
Pressure in given muscle compartment ABN elevated
What is acute compartment syndrome?
Caused by significant trauma, fx, crush injury, surgical emergency
What is Chronic exertional compartment syndrome (CECS)?
Recurrent leg cramping or pain w/ activity esp in high volume runners
What can occur w/ CECS?
temporary foot weakness during activity due to high pressures causing ischemia to tibial or peroneal nerves
What is the definitive dx of CECS?
Intramuscular compartment pressure testing: preexercise >15mmHg, 1 min postexercise >30mmHg, 5 min postexercise >20 mmHg
Tx of CECS
avoiding inciting activities, massage, fasciotomy or fasciectomy
MOI of peroneal muscle injury
Lateral ankle sprain, peroneal muscles activate eccentrically to counteract the inversion moment
PE of peroneal muscle injury
Tenderness to lateral leg 12 cm proximal to lateral malleolus
Tx of peroneal muscle injury
Ankle rehab &/or surgery
What can damage to the superior peroneal retinaculum cause?
Subluxation of peroneal tendons around lateral malleolus
Navicular fx have a higher likelihood of ___ than other stress fx
Delayed union, nonuion or AVN
Imaging of navicular fx
MRi or bone scan
Which navicular fx has the best px?
Cortical break at dorsal aspect, heal in 3 mo
Tx of navicular fx
NWB boot immobilization for 6-8 wk, bone stimulator or surgery if sx persist
What are 5th metatarsal fx prone to?
Nonunion & refracture
Tx of early 5th metatarsal fx
NWB boot immobilization for 6 wk, surgery if sx persist or if clear fx in an elite athlete
Hx of Osteochondral lesions of the ankle
Hx of trauma, deep ankle pain, worse w/ WB & improved w/ rest
PEof Osteochondral lesions of the ankle
Tenderness at subtalar joint & movement
Imaging of Osteochondral lesions of the ankle
MOI of lateral talus osteochondral lesions
Forced eversion & dorsiflexion
What is the MC predictor of ankle sprains?
Previous ankle sprain
What is the MC ligament injured in akle sprains?
Anterior talofibular ligament
MC MOI in ankle sprains
Inversion & plantarflexion force
What is a high ankle sprain?
Syndesmotic injury of thick ligaments connecting tibia & fibula
How is the deltoid ligament injured?
Forceful & suddent ankle eversion
What is a grade 1 ankle sprain?
partial ligament tear w/ no instability
What is a grade 2/3 ankle sprain?
partial to complete ligament tear w/ instability
What is indicative of a grade 2/3 ankle sprain?
Postive anterior drawer test
What is indicative of a syndesmotic injury?
pain w/ squeeze test & ER w/ foot dorsiflexed
How can avulsion fx of the 5th metatarsal occur?
pull of peroneus brevis tendon
What can reduce risk of future ankle sprains?
Balance & proprioceptive training to improve sensimotor control
What functional tests should be used to test ability to return to sport after ankle sprain?
Shuttle run & single leg hopping
What is Sever’s dz?
Traction apophysitis of Achilles tendon insertion on posterior calcaneus
Who is commonly affected by Sever’s dz?
Adolescents during time of rapid growth
Tx of Sever’s dz
Ice, relative rest, progressive heel cord stretching & calf strengthening, heel lift for a short period
Who is commonly affected by Flexor hallucis longus overload?
Dancers, gymnasts, repetitive forceful toe flexion
PE of flexor hallucis longus overload
Pain w/ resisted toe flexion, tender to muscle/tendon palpation, passive stretch of muscle does not reliably produced sx
What muscles originate at the volar calcaneus?
Adductor hallucis, quadratus plantae, flexor digitorum brevis and abductor digiti minimi quinti
Hx of plantar fascitis
volar heal pain worse w/ first few steps of the morning & tender from medial to midline w/ palpation
Tx of plantar fascitis
resting night splint to prevent tight heel cord & plantar structures
What should be evaluated in plantar fascitis?
Tibialis posterior/anterior, tight hamstring/heel cords & hip ER
What is Morton’s neuroma?
Irritation of one of the interdigital nerves of the foot as it passes through the transverse ligament of the metatarsal heads
What is the MC location of Morton’s neuroma?
B/W 3rd & 4th metatarsal heads
Hx of Morton’s neuroma
pain at metatarsal heads, referred pain or parasthesia to 2 toes innervated by the nerve, sensation of wrinkle in sock or pebble in shoe
What can exacerbate the pain in Morton’s neuroma?
Forefoot WB, narrow toe boxes & high heels
PE of Morton’s neuroma
Click when palpating neuroma esp w/ squeezing metatarsal heads
What is the MC metatarsal head involved in metatarsalgia?
2nd metatarsal head
Tx of sesmoiditis, metatarsalgia & Morton’s neuroma
Unload forefoot w/ gel inserts, orthoses, premetatarsal pads, larger toe boxes, avoiding high heels, steroid/lidocaine injection
What is turf toe?
sudden forceful hyperextension of 1st MCP joint causing sprain of joint capsule/ligametns
What has increased the incident of turf toe?
Artificial turf
Tx of turf toe
Stiff-soled shoes to protect joint for 3-4 wks