ch3 questions Flashcards
What tag is used to cause PHP to start interpreting program code? And what is the short form of the tag?
the short form is deprecated
What are the two types of comment tags?
// single line comment /* multiline comment */
Which character must be placed at the end of every PHP statement?
Which symbol is used to preface all PHP variables?
What can a variable store?
numbers, strings, arrays
What is the difference between $variable = 1 and $variable == 1?
$variable = 1 declares $variable as 1
$variable == 1 compares $variable to 1
Why do you suppose an underscore is allowed in variable names (e.g., $current_user) whereas hyphens are not (e.g., $current-user)?
Because the hyphen ( - ) is also a subtraction operator
Are variable names case-sensitive?
Can you use spaces in variable names?
How do you convert one variable type to another (say, a string to a number)?
To convert a variable type to another, reference it and PHP will automatically convert it for you.
What is the difference between ++$j and $j++?
++$j increment before
$j++ increment after
Are the operators && and ‘and’ interchangeable?
Yes but && has higher precedence than and
How can you create a multiline echo or assignment?
Using heredoc tags or quotation marks <<<_TAGNAME multiline echo _TAGNAME; (the closing tag should be at the beginning of a line and followed by a semicolon, nothing else can be on the line)
Can you redefine a constant?
How do you escape a quotation mark?
By prefacing it with \
What is the difference between echo and print commands?
The echo and print commands are similar in that they are both constructs, except that print behaves like a PHP function and takes a single argument, while echo can take multiple arguments.
What is the purpose of functions?
Functions are used to separate out sections of code that perform a particular task and make it easier to execute that task repeatedly.
How can you make a variable accessible to all parts of a PHP program?
By making the variable a global variable. Using the syntax:
global $variable;
If you generate data within a function, what are a couple of ways to convey the data to the rest of the program?
If you generate data within a function, you can convey the data to the rest of the program by returning a value or modifying a global variable.
What is the result of combining a string with a number?
The number becomes part of the string