The ability of the country or company to offer greater value to customers either by means of lower prices or offering more benefits and services at the same time.
Competitive Advantage
Combination of Cost Advantage and Quality Advantage.
Competitive Advantage
In his theory, he states that a nation’s competitiveness in an industry deoends in the capacity of the industry to innovate and upgrade.
Michael Porter
Model by Michael Porter introduced in his book, aka The competive advantage of nations.
Porter’s diamond
Combination of absolute and comparative advantage
Competitive Advantage
Porter’s four stages of development in the evolution of a country.
- Development based on factors
- Development based on investment
- Development based on innovation
- Development based on prosperity
Four determinants that will help Nations to gain competitive advantage
- Local market resources and capabilities
- Local market demand conditions
- Local suppliers and complementary industries
- Local firm characteristics
What are the new list of advanced factors Porter added to the basic production factors such as land, labor and capital?
- Human resources/skilled labor
- Material resources (natural, vegetation, space)
- Investments in education (knowledge and research on universities)
- Technology
- Infrastructure
It shows how a company attains competitive advantage through its main activities that provide cost advantage and the support activities that will provide the firm quality advantage.
Porter’s competitive advantage chain value
It is a theories that speak of differences in resources and demand or supply conditions as a necessary condition for trade between countries.
Traditional trade theories
It is built upon similarities or identical features of nations for them to trade with each other.
Country similarity theory
Who developed country similarity theory and explained the concept of intra-industry trade between and among countries with identical characteristics?
Steffan Linder
What are the following features common to certain countries that will make them trade with each other?
- Stage of development
- Cultural milieu
- Geographical features
- Political and economic interests
The exchange of goods produced in different industries among countries.
Inter-industry trade
The exchange of goods produce in the same industry
Intra-industry trade
A tool used to developed to compare and determined the similarity of countries.
Geert Hofstede model
Six Dimensions to compare countries in Geert Hofstede Model.
- Power distance
- Individualism
- Masculinity
- Uncertainty avoidance
- Long-term orientation
- Indulgence
Is power in the country distributed unequally?
Power distance