ch3: learning and memory Flashcards
anything to which an organism can respond, including all fo the sensory inputs
repeated exposure to the same stiulus can cause a decrease in response
med students and cadaver, they get use to it
recovery of a response to a stimulus after habituation has occurred.
highway, then going on exit, heightened stimuli more in body
associative learning
creation of a pairing between two still or between behavior an da response
classical conditioning
biological instinctual response to creat associations between two unrelated stimuli
pavloves dogs thru conditioned stimuli
unconditional stimulus
stimulus that brings a reflexive response
uncondisiotns response
reflexive reponse
conditioned stimulus
neutral stimulus into a reflexive stimulus
process of neutral stimulus into a conditioned pavlova dogs
a broadening effect by which a stimulus similar enough to the conditioned stimulus can also produce the conditioned response
little Albert :(
organism learns ot distinguish between two similar stiuli
operant conditioning
voluntary behaviors linked with consequences in an effort to alter the frequency of those behaviors
the process of increasing the likelihood that an individual will perform a behavior
positive or negaive
escape learnign
the role of the behavior is to reduce the unpleasantness of something that already exisits,
like taking an aspirin bc of a headache
avoidance learning
meant to prevent the unpleasantness of something that has yet to happen
like Angela, “I don’t have a headache, Im just preparing”
primary reinforcer
the fish in the case of dolphins and tricks and a clicker
the clicker is the conditioned/secondary reinforcer
the trainer may be associated with ehpossiblility of a reward, so its is the discriminative stimulus
reinforcement scheudles
fixed ratio schules- button presses
variable ratio scheudles- FASTEST RESPONSE RATE
fixed interval schedules-time w button presses
variable interval schedules
process of rewarding increasingly specific behaviors. pars with barking
latent leaning
leaning that occurs without a reward but that is spontaneously demonstrated once a reward is introduced
rats running a maze
animals are most able to learn behaviors that coincide with their natural behaviors
birds pecking for seeds
instinctive drift
difficult in overcoming instinctual behaviors
observational learning
process of learning a new behavior or gaining information by watching others
the clown kicking experiment