Ch3 - Immunity Flashcards
IL-1 major activities and clinical relevance
Activate T cells and macrophages, promote inflammation
Implicated in septic shock, RA, and atherosclerosis
IL-4 major activities and clinical relevance
Activation of lymphocytes, monocytes and IgE class switching Relevant for mast cells ensitisation, allergy and nematode infections
IL-5 major activities and clinical relevance
Differentiation of Eosinophils
MAbs against IL5 inhibit late phase eosinophilia in animal models
IL-6 major activities and clinical relevance
Activate lymphocytes, differentiation of B cells, stimulation of acute phase proteins
Acts as growth factor in myeloma and mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis
IL-8 major activities and clinical relevance
Chemotaxis of neutrophils basophils and T cells
Levels increased in disease accompanied by netutrophilia
TNF α major activities and clinical relevance
promote inflammation
MAbs beneficial in in RA and crohns
What is the pathophysiology of chronic granulomatous disease?
failure to generate O2 in neutrophils and monocytes and inability to kill phagocytosed bacteria.
Which cytokines are responsible for fever?
IL-1 IL6 and TNFα
What are chemokines?
What are their receptors? What do they stimulate?
Substances that attract immune cells to areas where response is required.
G protein coupled receptors: activation results in extension of pseudopodia and therefore migration
What are the key triggers for each of the classic, mannose binding lectin pathway and alternative pathway for the complement cascade?
Classic: immune complexes
Mannose binding lectin: lectin binds mannose groups in bacteria
Alternative: viruses, bacteria, fungi, tumour cells
What are the 3 functions of the complement cascade?
Opsonisation, chemotaxis and lysis
Activate B cells and aid immune memory
Dispose of waste products
What are TLRs and what is their relevance in innate immunity?
TLRs act as pattern recognition receptors
Bacterial LPS produced by gram -ve organisms and CD14 bind to TLR4 leading to activation of gene transcription producing innate immune responses.
TLR5: flagellal
TLR 2: microbial lipoproteins
TLR9: bacterial DNA
TGF B major activities and clinical relevance
Useful in MS and Myasthenia gravis
GMCSF major activities and clinical relevance
promotes granulocytes and monocytes
used to reduce neturopenia in chemo etc.
Interferon alpha major activities and clinical relevance
induces resistance to viral infection
Treats Kaposi sarcoma, chronic Hp b a nd C infection