Ch268 Electrocardiography Flashcards
Graphic recording of electric potentials generated by the heart; noninvasive, inexpensive and highly versatile test
Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
What do ECG leads display?
Instantaneous differences in potential between the electrodes
The initiating event for cardiac contraction
3 components that produce the electric currents through the heart
- Cardiac pacemaker cells
- Specialized conduction tissue
- Heart muscle
A collection of pacemaker cells where depolarization stimulus for normal hearbeat originates
Sinoatrial (SA) node or sinus node
T or F: Depolarization wavefronts spread through the ventricular wall from the epicardium to the endocardium triggering the ventricular contraction.
Endocardium to epicardium
ECG waveform representing atrial depolarization
P wave
ECG waveform representing ventricular depolarization
QRS complex
ECG waveform representing ventricular repolarization
ST-T-U complex
Junction between the end of QRS complex and beginning of ST segment
J point
What conditions can J point become apparent?
Acute pericarditis
Atrial infarction
Phase in the cardiac action potential corresponding to the onset of QRS
Phase 0 (rapid upstroke)
Phase in cardiac action potential corresponding to the isoelectric ST segment
Phase 2 (plateau)
Phase in cardiac action potential corresponding to the inscription of the T wave
Phase 3 (active repolarization)
Effects of hyperkalemia and flecainide on cardiac action potential
- Decrease slope of Phase 0
- Increase QRS duration
- Impairs Na influx
Effects of amiodarone and hypocalcemia on cardiac action potential
- Prolong Phase 2
2. Increase QT interval
Effect of digitalis or hypercalcemia on cardiac action potential
Shortens ventricular repolarization (Phase 2)
Four major ECG intervals
- RR
- PR
- QT
Compute the heart rate using the RR interval
Divide the number of large squares between consecutive R waves into 300 OR
Divide the number of small squares into 1500
PR interval measures the time between atrial and ventricular depolarization including the physiologic delay imposed by stimulation cells in AV junction area, has the normal value of:
QRS interval reflects the duration of ventricular depolarization with normal value of
100-110ms or less
T or F: QT interval is directly proportional to the heart rate
QT interval varies inversely with heart rate
Can be calculated as QT/square root of RR
Corrected QT interval (QTc)
Normal value: =0.44s
What wave corresponds to a negative initial QRS deflection
Q wave
First positive deflection in QRS complex
R wave
The negative deflection after an R wave in QRS complex
S wave
An entirely negative QRS complex
QS wave
Leads that record potentials transmitted onto the frontal plane
Limb leads (6)
Leads that record potentials transmitted onto the horizontal plane
Chest (precordial) leads (6)
Diagram representing the spatial orientation and polarity of the six FRONTAL plane leads
Hexaxial diagram
Anatomical positions of leads V7, V8, V9
V7 midaxillary line
V8 posterior axillary line
V9 posterior scapular line
All in line with V4 (5th intercostal space)
Left axis deviation on hexaxial diagram
-90 to -30 degrees
Right axis deviation on hexaxial diagram
+100 to +180 degrees
Normal axis on hexaxial diagram
-30 to +100 degrees
Implications of left axis deviation
- Normal variant
- Left ventricular hypertrophy
- Block in anterior fascicle of left bundle system (left anterior fascicular block/hemiblock)
- Inferior MI
Implications of right axis deviation
- Normal variant (children and young adults)
- Due to reversal of left and right arm electrodes
- Right ventricular overload (acute or chronic)
- Infarction of lateral wall of left ventricle
- Dextrocardia
- Left pneumothorax
- Left posterior fascicular block
T or F: The normal U wave is small, rounded deflection (=1mm) that has same polarity as the T wave
Drugs that abnormally increases U wave amplitude
- Dofetilide
- Amiodarone
- Sotalol
- Quinidine
Condition: Hypokalemia
Very prominent U waves are a marker of increased susceptibility to this type of ventricular tachycardia
Torsades de pointes
Increased P wave amplitude (peaked P waves) also referred as P-pulmonale has normal value of
> /= 2.5mm
Pattern that produces a biphasic P wave in V1 with broad negative component or a broad often notched P wave in one or more limb leads
Typically from left atrial overload
Condition produced due to sustained, severe pressure load characterized by relatively tall R wave in lead V1 (R >/= S wave), usually with right axis deviation
Right VENTRICULAR hypertrophy
Pattern attributed to repolarization abnormalities in acutely or chronically overloaded muscle described as ST depression and T-wave inversion in the right-to-midprecordial leads
Formerly called right ventricular “strain”
T or F: Acute cor pulmonale due to pulmonary embolism can present with normal ECG
The most common arrhythmia
Sinus tachycardia
ECG finding in this condition is associated with small R waves in right-to-midprecordial leads (slow R-wave progression) due in part to downward displacement of diaphragm and heart in obstructive lung disease
Chronic cor pulmonale
Sokolow-Lyon criteria to assess left ventricular hypertrophy
SV1 + (RV5 or RV6) >35mm
T or F: Prominent precordial voltages may occur as a normal variant in the elderly.
Athletic or young individuals
Sensitivity of conventional voltage criteria for LVH is decreased in these type of population
Obese persons and smokers
QRS interval in COMPLETE bundle branch blocks
> /= 120 ms
QRS interval in INCOMPLETE bundle branch blocks
100-120 ms
RBBB are more common in subjects without structural heart disease but may also occur with heart disease such as
Congenital (ASD)
Acquired (e.g. valvular, ischemic)
Often a marker of one of four underlying conditions associated with increased risk of CV morbidity and mortality rates
4 conditions associated with increased risk of CV morbidity and mortality
- Coronary heart disease
- Hypertensive heart disease
- Aortic valve disease
- Cardiomyopathy
T or F: Bundle branch blocks can be rate-related such that is can occur when the heart rate exceeds some critical value
T or F: Bundle branch blocks can be intermittent
Primary repolarization abnormalities (ST-T wave changes) can occur in these conditions
- Ischemia
- Electrolyte imbalance
- Digitalis
Most common cause of marked left axis deviation in adults
Left ANTERIOR fascicular block (QRS axis more negative than -45 degrees)
T or F: Left POSTERIOR fascicular block (QRS axis more rightward than +110-120 degrees) is extremely rare and requires exclusion of other factors causing right axis deviation
Which has higher risk of progression to high-degree AV block:
A. Chronic bifascicular block in asymptomatic individual
B. New bifascicular block with acute MI
B. New fascicular block with acute MI
Alternation of right and left bundle branch block is a sign of what disease?
Trifascicular disease
Factors that slows down the ventricular conduction
- Hyperkalemia
2. Drugs (Class I antiarrhythmic agents, TCA, Phenothiazines)
Diagnostic triad of Wolff-Parkinson-White
- Wide QRS complex
- Relatively short PR interval
- Slurring of the initial part of QRS (Delta wave)
Prolongation of QRS duration due to preexcitation of the ventricles via a bypass tract is seen in this condition
Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW)
Cornerstone in diagnosis of acute and chronic ischemic heart disease
Effect of severe, acute ischemia on resting membrane potential and action potential
Lowers resting membrane potential
Shortens duration of AP
ST changes seen in:
A. Transmural ischemia
B. Ischemia in subendocardium
A. ST elevations, Hyperacute T waves
B. ST depression
Posterior wall ischemia can be indirectly recognized due to this reciprocal changes
ST depression in leads V1 to V3
REVERSIBLE TRANSMURAL ischemia due to coronary vasospasm in these conditions may cause transient ST SEGMENT ELEVATIONS WITHOUT development of Q WAVES
- Prinzmetal’s variant angina
2. Tako-tsubo “stress” cardiomyopathy syndrome
Pattern in severe anterior wall ischemia causing prominent T wave inversions in precordial leads that is associated with high grade stenosis of left anterior descending coronary artery
Wellens T waves
T or F: Transmural infarcts may occur without Q waves and subendocardial infarcts sometimes may be associated with Q waves.
Differential diagnosis of ST segment elevations
- Ischemia / MI
- Acute pericarditis
- Normal variants
- Others: Acute pulmo embolism, Brugada patterns, Hypercalcemia, Hyperkalemia, Hypothermia, Myocarditis, Tumor invading left ventricle, Trauma to ventricles, Class 1C antiarrhythmic drugs
ECG finding seen in hypothermia
J wave / Osborn wave
Distinctive convex elevation of J point
Conditions that may cause ST segment depression mimicking subendocardial ischemia
- Digoxin
- Ventricular hypertrophy
- Hypokalemia
May cause prominent T wave inversions
- Ventricular hypertrophy
- Cardiomyopathies
- Myocarditis
- Cerebrovascular injury (bleed)
This condition causes cardiac arrest with a slow sinusoidal type of mechanism (“sine-wave” pattern) followed by asystole
This condition prolongs ventricular repolarization often with prominent U waves
Class IA, TCA, phenothiazines and Class III antiarrhythmics produce these ECG changes
Prolongation of QT interval
They increase the duration of ventricular action potential
ECG pattern that may occur with intracranial bleeds particularly subarachnoid hemorrhage
“CVA T-wave” pattern
Deep wide T-wave inversions
ECG changes in hypocalcemia vs hypercalcemia
Hypo: Prolongs QT interval (ST portion)
Hyper: Shortens QT interval
(Also digitalis)
Characteristic finding on ECG due to digitalis
“scooping” of the ST-T wave complex (digitalis effect)
Defined as peak-to-trough QRS amplitudes of =5mm in the six limb leads and/or =10mm in the chest leads
Low QRS voltage
Conditions that produce low QRS voltage
- Pericardial effusion
- Pleural effusion
- Infiltrative cardiomyopathies
- Anasarca
A beat-to-beat alternation in one or more components of the ECG signal
Electrical alternans
ECG findings that are relatively specific sign of pericardial effusion with cardiac tamponade
Total electrical alternans (P-QRST-T) with sinus tachycardia
Sign of electrical instability and may precede ventricular tachyarrhythmias
Pure repolarization (ST-T or U wave) alternans
14 points that should be analyzed in every ECG
- Standardization (calibration) and technical features
- Rhythm
- Heart Rate
- PR interval/AV conduction
- QRS interval
- QT/QTc intervals
- Mean QRS electrical axis
- P waves
- QRS voltages
- Precordial R-wave progression
- Abnormal Q waves
- ST segments
- T waves
- U waves
T or F: Computerized interpretation should not be accepted without careful clinician review.