CH2.2 Situation Ethics Flashcards
What is situation ethics described as by its supporters?
it is described as a Christian ethic
What do supporters suggest it is consistent with?
With the image of Jesus in the Gospel
What is it viewed as by advocates?
as a flexible and practical theory, based on love
What do critics think of it?
Many critics think it is unjust, individualistic, and socially destructive.
What is it viewed as by many Churches?
Many churches view it as controversial and was rejected by the Catholic church and many conservative Protestant Churches.
What did Joseph Fletcher argue about love and morality?
he argued that love was what morality should serve. He thought that someone making a moral decision should be prepared to set aside rules if it seemed that love would be better served by doing so.
Give a quote that reflects Fletchers ideas on morality serving love
“The situationist follows a moral law or violates it according to love’s needs”
what is meant by the 6 fundamental principles that Fletcher developed?
These are the principles that the situationist should apply. They should be kept in mind when seeking a decision.
What are the 6 fundamental principles?
1:Only love is intrinsically good
2:The ruling norm of Christian decision is love, nothing else
3:Love and justice are the same, for justice is love distributed
4:Love wills the neighbour’s good, whether we like him or not
5:Only the ends justifies the means
6:Loves decisions are made situationally not prescriptively
Why did Fletcher develop also the Four working principles?
to help in determining the most loving thing. They are not rules, but rather a framework for determining the use of agape in each situation and to know what the most loving thing to do it
What are the 4 working principles?
1) pragmatism: being practical rather than always following belief in ideologies or systems
2) relativism: the morally right thing to do is not solely dependent upon following a set of rules, in fact, in some cases, breaking them can be the morally right thing to do. By relativism, he means the ability to break rules and laws, should it be the most loving thing to do
3) Positivism: love is posited as true or good without demonstrating this is the case. So positivism for Fletcher is ultimately faith in love
4) Personalism: the legalist puts the law first, but the situationist puts people first. It is person centred.
for the situationist, what does conscience describe?
for the situationist, consience is used as a verb, not a noun. It describes the weighing up of the possible actions before its taken, a kind of moral deliberation, rather than a faculty within a human being. The process of moral reasoning, that is conscience, is informed by the situation and love
What is meant when ethics is teleological?
it means that rightness or wrongness is determined by the ends, or consequences instead.
What does situation ethics identify its roots in?
in the New Testament references to Jesus breaking established rules and setting aside the law
What are the 3 kinds of moral thinking that Fletcher divised?
1) Legalistic ethics
2) Antinomian ethics
3) Situational ethics